Love (septiplier)

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Ok so I wanted to apologize for all the really sad chapters recently. I've not been in the best mindset and I wrote them to get some stuff off my chest not really expecting anyone to read it. You've all been so supportive and sweet and I couldn't be more grateful for all your kind words. I can't promise that the sad stuff will go away just yet but for now enjoy some fluff. Also this one has a lot of influence from a lot of places so if you see a reference, feel free to comment about it.

I hear humming coming from the kitchen and see the short dark haired male seemingly raping.

"I want slender man to be my friender man, And we can take a road trip in the slender van. With the face and the morph there kicking it too, while pyramid head's just pickin the tune." He sang softly. I giggled at his silliness and walked up behind him. He was bent over in front of the fridge and looking for something to make for breakfast I suppose. He sighed and I took the opportunity to place a hand on his shoulder.

He jumped slightly then turned to face me. "Why don't we go out for breakfast?" I asked. "Then we can stop by the shop for groceries."

He smiled and pulled me in for a hug. "That's what I get as a good morning?" He asks.

"The fastest way to a mans heart is through his stomach and you seemed hungry." I say as I shrug and wrap my arms around his neck.

He laughs softly and pulls me in for a brief kiss. "I know a faster way." He mumbles.

"So do I, but that's not happening on an empty stomach so let's go!" I say and jump on his back. "TO NARNIA!"

"Or you know, the bedroom to change?"


He laughed and ran to our bedroom dropping me harshly into the unmade bed. "Get ready." He ordered. "I'm starved."

I got up and threw on a soft blue hoodie and some jeans. I walk out of the room to brush my teeth and hair. After fussing with the brown and gray strands sticking out of my noggin, I turn to put my shoes on only to be met with something blocking my way. Actually it was someone.

"Are you forgetting something?" He asks. I frown and check my back pocket. Both my phone and wallet where there. I raise an eyebrow at him and he chuckles. He takes his hand from behind his back and places a familiar gray object on my head. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Why do I always have to wear the hat?" I ask.

"Because it make you look even more adorable."

"LIES!" I shout.

He laughs and pulls me to him. I smile as the red of his flannel and the blue of my hoodie press together to make two perfect halves. I kiss his jaw and nuzzle into his neck. He sighs happily and brings me closer if that was even possible. After a moment however, I feel both our stomachs growl and I pull away.

"C'mon! I'm hungry!" I complained and ran to the car. He chuckled and follow after me at a slightly slower pase.

When we arrive, a woman with blue hair seats us in the back. "I figured you to might want some privacy." She said with a wink. I blushed and looked at Mark who had a similar shade of pink covering his cheeks. "Can I get you something to drink?" She asked with a giggle.

We ate in relative silence for a while until he stretched a hand over the table for me to grab. I slipped my small hand into his larger one and smiled up at him. This was one of my favorite parts about our relationship. We didn't have to talk to show our love. A simple glance or touch could speak as loud as a heartfelt speech.

"So you remember what's coming up right?" He asked.

"Of course! It's Felix's birthday soon." I joked. He pouted and took his hand out of mine. "Aw come on!" I laughed. "I'm just joking." He rolled his eyes and intertwined our fingers once more.

"Three years already. Feels like longer."  He sighs contently.

"What? You gettin rid of me?" I ask faking hurt.

"What?! No that's not what I meant I just...-!"

I laugh and squeeze his hand. "I'm kidding ya big doof. Stop taking everything so seriously."

Mark relaxed slightly. "Not cool." He says.

I roll my eyes and stand up. He looks at me strangely as I go from my end of the booth to his. I sit next to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Better?" I ask. He grunts and scoots closer to the wall, away from me. "Aw don't be like that." I said. Had I really hurt his feelings? I was just joking. I scoot closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder. "Markimoo? I'm sorry." He leans his head on top of mine and kissed my forehead. I let out a breath and snuggle into him further. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and brings me closer. "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you more." He whispers back.

"I love you most." I close my eyes and feel his hand rub my arm softly.

After a couple minutes, the waitress comes back and hands me the check. I lean away to take out my wallet but his grip tightens slightly. "I'll pay." he says. I was about to object when I notice the writing at the bottom of our bill.

Happy anniversary you two!

I smile at the blue haired waitress and she winked at me again. Mark chuckled and took the paper from my hand.

After paying we walked out, hand in hand, and towards the car. A cool wind sweeps over us and I feel my hat being whisked off my head. Mark ran after it and I laughed as he chased the gray object around a corner. I waited a few minutes and when he didn't come back, I decided to make sure he was ok. I rounded the corner and my hands flew to my mouth as I saw the man I love on one knee with a small velvet box in his hand.

"Sean, we've been together for nearly three years and I love you more then I've ever loved anything. I love how dedicated you are. I love the way you care so much about everyone. I love that you're not afraid to be you. You are loud and lovable and amazing. I want you with me forever so Jack, Will you marry me?"

"YES YA GOOF!" I screamed and jump at him. He stands and meets my affection with his own as we kiss and the rest of the world melts away. I feel the cool metal being slipped into my finger and my joyous tears fall faster. I bring my hands up too his face and press the new ring to his soft cheek. I feel him grin even wider and I pull away to look into his eyes. We both laugh and I bring my other hand to his face as well. "Did you plan that?" I ask.

"Nope." He says and brings me back to him. "I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I say and kiss him again.

Oneshots!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon