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So I found this. I'm gonna use it. I hope no one cares.

AU one- stripes.

What the hell?! Why pink?! It was black when I went to bed last night! Did she really die her hair pink?!

I looked up from my wrist and sighed. The strip of color that had always been there changed.

I still haven't found her. Felix found Ryan a few months ago. Ken found Mary before I even met him. Why can't I find her? She has neon freaking hair now! How have we not met somewhere along the way?!

I got out of bed and looked around my dull room. Maybe I'll never find her. Maybe the Universe is just playing some cruel joke.

No! I would find her! I would scour the world in search for the one I was meant to be with. She must feel the same. Every day, she must look down at her wrist and sigh at the brown stripe that rested there. Does she get excited any time someone with brown hair showed her attention? How will she possibly know it's me she's meant to be with? The only way is if they have her stripe. Many people have black hair.

But very few have pink hair.

I picked up my phone a googled the next available appointment at the stylus.


I go to check my watch but get distracted by the sudden change on my skin. The once brown stripe now showed neon green. She knew. She understood what I was trying to tell her. All I have to do is look for someone with bright green hair and a pink stripe! There can't be many people with that exact combination! We'll certainly find each other now!

I get up form my chair and decide to go for a walk. Any day now is find her. I'm sure of it.

I walk outside and smile as the sun beat down on my exposed arms. I can't wait to meet her. I bet she's amazing. Nice and sweet and loving and fun. She's obviously smart because she got the clue about the stripe. I bet she's gorgeous. Not that it matters, but I can feel it. She is perfect.


Mark walked out and onto the street connecting his apartment complex to a few others. There were few people walking about but not many. He stuck his hands in his pockets and continued down the path. He couldn't seem to wipe the smile off his face as he thought of his soulmate. He didn't notice a second man that stared down at his wrist as he walked. Jack bumped shoulders with the other and started apologizing immediately.

"Oh god! I'm really sorry si-" he cut himself short when he noticed the bright pastel of the other mans locks.

"Don't worry bou-" Mark stopped similarly and the two stared at each other. Neither had considered that their love would be male. Then again, it's not like they really cared. All either of them could think was;

"Is it...?"

"Hi." Mark said quietly.

"Hi." Jack replied.

"I like your accent. Irish right?"

"Yeah. I moved here not long ago." The two thought for a moment before speaking.

"Could I-" they both said simultaneously.

"You first." Jack offered.

"Could I maybe see your w-wrist?" Mark asked.

Jack held it up an they both smiled as they saw that either they were meant to be, or this was the coincidence of the century.

It wasn't a coincidence.

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