Undertaker x Reader | Reading

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Undertaker x Reader | Reading
Words: 810
You were a bookworm. Always have been one and always will be. You had been reading while walking and meant to step into the bookstore in downtown London but stepped into a store labeled Undertaker instead. You being the curious little thing you are peered around the store your thumb holding your place in your book. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. You let out a shriek when a man in dark clothing with silver hair that covered his eyes leapt from a coffin near you. He let out a cackle.
"Hello little kitten." He smiled a laugh on his lips.
"Hello Mr. Undertaker." You smiled back. The man's grin widened.
"What brings you to my shop?" Undertaker laughed. His laughter intrigued you made you want to laugh as well.
"Accident and curiosity." You shrugged as the man got closer staring into your eyes.
"Curiosity killed the ever so beautiful cat you know." Undertaker chuckled.
"But satisfaction brought her back." You smiled, your smile vanished as your book was snatched from your hands.
"Ooh, it seems my kitten likes to read." He laughed.
"It would seem that way, wouldn't it?" You said reaching for the tan worn cover.
"You can have this back, but you have to make me laugh." Undertaker said in a sing song voice. You raised an eyebrow at him your lips pressed together when you opened your mouth he burst into laughter so much the man was crying. You tilted your head to the side now making the Undertaker Aww. "My kitten is the cutest." He smiled. A blush rose to your cheeks. Undertaker poked them making you blush harder.
"Undertaker, please." You whined.
"Read to me?" Undertaker begged. You sighed.
"Oh fine." You agreed. Undertaker swept you up into his arms with a gleeful laugh. He carried you the the back of his store where a small study awaited a couch within it. You sat down on one end expecting Undertaker to sit on the other end but no. Undertaker sat really close to you, his breath hot on your ear. You shivered trying to ignore the goosebumps rising on your skin.
"Read." He giggled. The book he handed you was not your book but a book without a label. You opened your mouth to read the words written on the page only to find Undertaker's lips ghosting over your neck. You shivered once more before reading.
"For rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse and a few are better than their fathers. Undertaker, why are you having me read Homer's The Odyssey?" You asked Undertaker giggling.
"You have a beautiful voice kitten." He purred. Your breathing hitched. "I would love to hear more of it just a bit louder and bit more incomprehensible." He continued a light growl in his tone.
"Undertaker, we just met. I am not sleeping with you." You said defensively. His long black fingernail traced patterns on your collar.
"True, but you want to. I can feel it." He smiled.
"Can feel what?" You asked your voice small.
"Your hunger. Your lust." Undertaker cackled. He wrapped an arm around your waist flipping you in a moment so you lay on the couch under him. He slid his hands up your rib cage making you shiver again. Undertaker attacked your lips with his soft at first a slow loving kiss then it got hungry, he dragged his tongue across your bottom lip asking for entry and you allowed opening your mouth enough for his tongue to explore your own. He wrapped his long arms around your waist arching your body into his, your breasts pressing against his chest. Undertaker now growled out a laugh as he smacked your rear making you gasp. Undertaker left your lips to press and bite your neck. You tangled your fingers in his silver silky locks tugging one at the base of his neck as he found your spot on your neck making you moan.
"Undertaker!" A child's voice barked from the lobby if the store. Undertaker kissed the area where your breasts met before taking off. You fixed your appearance before stepping out into the lobby and leaving, you hadn't even told him your name and yet you and him had this strong connection enough to make that almost happen. Undertaker laughed waving goodbye to you. You slid a piece of paper with a time your name and your address into his back pocket. The boy with navy hair looked at you in shock. You walked to your small cottage. Once inside you rummaged through drawer after drawer before finding it. The lacy undergarments Alois Trancy had you wear when you had served him. You threw your dress from before on and made tea sipping from it as you realized you left your book in Undertaker's shop.

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