Grell x Reader | Red

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Grell x Reader | Red
Warnings: Spoilers if you have just started the show if you have seen the Jack The Ripper episode you're good.
Words: 951
You were dying. Lying in an alleyway on the freezing cold cobblestone path. Blood, dark and warm pooled around you. Your ex fiance had done it. Killed you, he stabbed you in the chest and left you here. A voice echoed in your ears.
"Oh me oh my, how dreadful a way to die." The voice sang. You peeled your eyes open to see a very handsome man, bright green eyes hidden behind glasses with long red hair that tickled your cheeks as he looked over you. He was only wearing red except his skin that a snowy pale color. You smiled weakly.
"Well at least my Shinigami is attractive." You said. The man squealed with delight.
"You got that right! And at least one of my souls today has good taste. Let's take a look now." He hummed. It seemed like your entire life replayed. From start to now. But on the way it paused the memory of when you met Sebastian Michaelis. "You have met Bassy?!" The reaper shrieked.
"Yeah....." You said unsure.
"You live for providing me with those stunningly attractive moments of my dearest sweet love, Bassy." The red haired reaper said almost in a daze. The film drifted from your vision and the hole in your chest was sealed. You were peeled from the cold stone.
"So, Bassy huh?" You teased making the man's pale cheeks color.
"Oh hush, you don't know a thing!" He exclaimed making you laugh.
"What is your name?" You asked him a smile still in your lips.
"Grell, I already know yours (YN). And might I say you look lovely in red. You should wear it more often." Grell winked at you before leaping off. Not wanting the handsome immortal to leave you kicked a rock with a sigh.
"I guess you don't want to know how to win over your precious Bassy." You said loudly. The reaper was inches away from you in seconds.
"How?!" The man screeched. You winced with a giggle.
"Try a dark crimson color with accents the color of his eyes in demon form. Oh and black cat ear and a cat tail, bring a basket of kittens and a gun." You advised Grell happily. You tensed when Grell hugged you.
"Thank you so much!" Grell said happily.

The next day you were walking through a park when you saw them, Sebastian and Grell walking. Alone. It sent a pang through you. Grell spotted you, you wore a charcoal colored dress except with a red ribbon around your waist and a red lipstick over your lips. You approached the couple with a smile.
"Hello Grell and Sebastian!" You greeted feigning happiness.
"Oh (YN)! Hello! Your plan worked and I'm so glad you gave red a chance it looks to die for on you!" Grell squealed. You laughed an honest laugh at his fangirlishness.
"I'm really happy it worked! Did you have to use the gun?" You asked hoping he didn't.
"Once but I picked the ugly one to kill." Grell shrugged. The ugly one.
"You killed the grey one with black spot and yellow eyes with a small scar over his shoulder didn't you?" You said sadly.
"Of course it's no big deal though there are plenty of other kittens left over." Grell scoffed. You sighed.
"That cat was my childhood best friend Grell." You told him.
"Oh no. I'm sorry! I must be getting back to Bassy though before he escapes! Goodbye dear (YN)." Grell called looking his arm with Sebastian. A voice called from across the park when Grell was almost out of sight.
"(YN), how the hell are you still alive?" A man's voice shouted. You cringed at the harshness and the deadly tone. You turned run only to be yanked to your ex. He had found you. Only one day of freedom from him. His grip on your wrists was bruising and he let go on one you thought. This was your chance. But you only ended up smacked, open handed and everything. Your yelp echoed through the park. You watched as that red and black dot stopped. The black dot got smaller while the red dot got bigger. Grell was coming for you. Another hit with a crack. When he through you to the ground you winced waiting for impact only to be caught. You opened your eyes that were shining with tears. Grell's pointed smile turned into a deadly grimace.
"Grell?" You asked weakly. "Kick his ass for me." Grell nodded in understanding. He set you gently in the grass. You closed your eyes with a yawn rolling over getting confused in that sea of green and falling asleep. When you woke up you were in air carried close to a red clothed chest. You looked up seeing Grell his face neutral and his long silky locks whipping against your soft cold skin.
"Hi." You yawned. Grell looked down at you with a smile.
"Hey." He responded landing at the top of the clock, big Ben. Even though he landed far from the edge when he set you down you still huddled close to him.
"Thank you Grell." You said. You were shocked when Grell pressed his lips to your forehead.
"I'm sorry. For killing your cat and for making you watch me and Bassy." Grell apologized. You wrapped your arms around his torso burying your face in his red chest.
"It's okay." You whispered.
"You know I'm going to buy you some more red." Grell declared. You laughed.
"Okay." You chuckled. "Red it is."

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