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aMAZEing chat

Newt: dudes theres ppl coming 2wards us

Elaina: all girls

Secret chat

Brenda left the chat
Minho deleted the chat

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Ireland: Hello?

Maddy: dont randomly say hello Ire

Elaina: guys?

Newt: Ireland! Bitch I've heard nothing from u!!

Ireland: soz?

Minho: Maddy, Ireland

Maddy: sup

Thomas" wat do u think this chat is

Brenda: Thom?

Maddy: hello?

Brenda: sup

Brenda: thom ik ur not gay w/Minho

Minho: bith we r lovers

Thomas: yep

Ireland: wow

Brenda: ur just scared 2 be in a relationship w/me I understand

Brenda: we can take it slow

Newt: fuk

Elaina: well then, can't take a hint

Brenda: and Minho ur a pathetic Asian

Minho: go and mb bitch

Brenda: wat!?

Minho: who added us 2 the chat

Elaina: I was wondering the same thing

Frypan: sup

Jeff: Ireland Maddy...

Clint: ship destroyeers! *cries*

Jeff: clam down Clint

Jeff: calm*

Clint: clam

Chuck: I think Ik who set us up on dis chat,

Teresa: hello

Chuck: SHARKISHA!!!!!!


Teresa: hey

Teresa: So Newt

Elaina: guess wat Teresa

Teresa: oh its u

Teresa: im surprised ur still alive

Elaina: likewise

Elaina: I'm pregnant

Newt: Teresa?

Frypan: u still there?

Chuck: *awkward*

Ireland: lol!

Maddy: cant stop laughing!

Elaina: IKR!!!!

Minho: LoL

Thomas: I have a scar!

Minho: thats wat happens when u get shot

Maddy: THOM U GOT SHOT!!!?

Maddy: r u alright!?

Thomas: im perfectly alright

Brenda: whos teresa??

Maddy: who the fuk r u

Brenda: thomas girlfriend, who r u?

Minho: ha the misses and the ex

Thomas: no Minho

Ireland: well


Newt: they have weapons

Minho: fuk

Maddy: wats happening?

Brenda: THOMAS NO!!!!!

Elaina: shit

Ireland: wat?


Elaina: Teresa took Thomas, They have alot of girls that Aris recognizes

Aris: but they dont even look at me!

Aris: wtaf!?

Maddy: they have Thom?

Brenda: who the f r u!?

Maddy: Thomas's

Maddy: good friend

Brenda: im his girlfriend

Elaina: no ur not Klunk!! Shiz

Newt: thomas is gay

Minho: with me

Ireland: hey

Minho: oh hello

Elaina: harsh

Maddy: we'll meet u at the safe haven

Elaina: c u soon xoxo

Ireland: xoxo keep Cole and Milla safe

Maddy: and urself

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