lets take a jog

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aMAZEing chat

Elaina: holy snap, Brenda is like non-stop hitting on Tommy

Newt: poor Tommy

Minho: wat r we gunna do?

Elaina: I have an idea

Newt: okay

Elaina: 2 da Glade chat!

Da Glade chat

Elaina: no one likes Brenda hitting on Tommy

Minho: yer

Chuck: dat bish need 2 keep it in her pants

Elaina: so lets make it stop

Elaina: this is an all man operation

Elaina: so Minho, u have 2 pretend 2 b Tommys boyfriend

Elaina: and we have 2 make up stories about their relationship

Elaina: so lets ship MINMY!!!!

Elaina: Thoho

Elaina: any way

**dah plan**

"Brenda." Thomas rolled his eyes.

"You're so hot." Brenda winked at him. "Your lips would look good on mine."

" BABY! I FORGIVE YOU!!!" Minho ran over to Thomas and slammed his head into his chest, patting his head. "Your always right baby! Im sorry." Thomas had no idea wat was happening. He saw his twin standing next to Newt smiling, she sent him a wink. Thomas realized they were helping him get away from Brenda.

"Arhh... whats this?" Brenda asked.

"Im getting back with my Boyfriend. Thomas I love you." Minho kissed Thomas on the cheek. Then he bent forward and whispered into Thomas's ear. "Not a word to Ireland."

Thomas smiled and nodded. Brenda looked grossed out.

"Your Gay?" Brenda asked hoping it wasnt true.

"We prefer Love-birds." Thomas added slyly.

"Come on Toooommmmy. Lets catch up." Minho winked at Thomas.

They walked away from Brenda and towards Elaina and Newt.

"If you ever tell Maddy or Ireland I'll kill you." Newt and Elaina laughed.

[Following Brenda 3rd]

"Back in the Glade, Minho and Tommy were inseparable."

"They'd kiss and hold hands all the time."

"When they were out running sometimes they got back late from making out."

"They'd always have hickeys."

Brenda cried that night.

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