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aMAZEing chat

Elaina: Minho y r u crying

Newt: idk

Minho: Ireland broke up w/me

Elaina: omg Minho

Minho: she said that we were over and Thatf I should date pther girls and and she said that she cant do fhis anymore

Elaina: Minho I need a hug and so do u

Newt: dude im sorry

Elaina: maybe someone took her phone and sent it

Minho: I dont think so

Newt: dude we'll sort it out

Elaina: yer

Da Glade chat

Frypan: Holy snap!!!!! I found Tom and Bre!

Elaina: tell us more!

Frypan: three ppl were up in their grill, on had a fork a knife and a gun

Frypan: two man-whores and a girl slut

Elaina: I have an idea

Left arm chat

Jorge☆: Left arm?

Chuck: tellz uz the planz lainz

Jorge☆: u have a plan? Ur a girl


Elaina: yes I have a plan, ur incompetence in believing women cant do anything will leave u missing a few important limbs and members

Newt: and then we'll knock the complete shit outta u

Minho: yer!

Elaina: Tommy and I have an app so we can track each others phones

Elaina: I can track his phone and them bamn we w/Tommy. But as Fry said the ppl have weapons

Elaina: and we have that

Jorge☆: is that a bow

Elaina: yes

Jorge☆: do u know how 2 use it?

Elaina: no idea

Minho: excellent

Newt: I have a sharp knife

Minho: good 4 u

Newt: *sharpens knife*

Minho: wats a knife?

Minho: my weapon is a nife

Elaina: its spelt knife

Minho: wat ever miss-know-it-all

Elaina: indeed

*thirty minutes*

Chuck: lets kill some drunk mofos


Newt: umm... lower the bow hun

Elaina: soz

Minho: I found Tom! The weird ugly guy is slowly stripping

Elaina: wat?

Minho: hes old and he isnt good

Minho: I tied him 2 a chair

Minho: now im gunna show him how a professional pole dances

Elaina: wat about Tommy and Brenda?

Minho: they're still tied up

Minho: watching

Minho: hey guys its Thomas


Elaina: LoL im sending someone up

Newt: *sighs* I'll go

Elaina: I've got ur back

Minho: try and find my phone would ya

Elaina: found it

aMAZEing chat

Elaina: good 2 know ur ok Tommy

Thomas: nxt time come early so I dont have 2 watxh Minho

Thomas: I got a txt from Maddy!!!

Elaina: wat does it say?

Thomas: y?! I cant believe! She broke up w/me!!!

Minho: Ireland broke up w/me

Thomas: we need 2 find them

Thomas: bc I cant believe it. She would nv! Im frightened

Minho: same here

Elaina: come and cry on ur sister bros

Thomas: yes thxs. :'-(

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