Strange Exorcism

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When she kissed him he went into what could only be described as momentary shock. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't see, blinded by the pearlescent power that was now searing away at every inch of his meatsuit. The feeling could only be compared to that split second after being struck with holy water, a prolonged and amplified version of the white hot feeling felt right before the acidish burn.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back. Choking as the red smoke of his demon form began escaping his body, but the demon quickly contained himself and swallowed it back down. The demon stumbled for a second, trying to reorientate himself "Easy there love." The world was spinning, he needed to get off his feet for a second. It was clear the angel was slightly disorentated as well. Crowley lowered himself onto the cold, hard steps of the temple, but the angel remained standing. "My apologies, I do not understand what caused me to do that."  The demon began to laugh, genuinely laugh, and that display only confused the angel. "Why are you laughing?" She asked, grabbing her temples with the sides of her hands, trying to steady her own celestial form, for it to had been rattled around inside her vessel from only that brief exchange. "I'm laughing because an angels kiss nearly exorcised me." The demon's laughter calms itself, he was clearly enjoying the irony. Her thin brows furrowed, this starched angel was never the most humorous in her barrack, she didn't get the comedy. 

"Your a stiff, you know that?" He smirks at her oblivion. "I assure you all the moving parts of this vessel are in perfect order." She answered. "No no... Its a metaphor, It means you lack a sense of humor." He tries to explain. "Humor is a human notion.  I do not understand it." She responds, sitting down beside him. "Lust is also a human notion, you seem to be understanding that just perfectly." He teased, which angered her. "How dare you!"

"How dare I what?" He raised a thick but neat eyebrow. "How dare I speak the truth? Because that's exactly what this is." Crowley motions back and forth between them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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