Deal With A Devil

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Crowley stood alone, in the darkness of the ancient temple of a once mighty civilization. The year was 1809 and Demons and Angels had flooded the country in search of the Holy Lance.

Hundreds of demons and dozens of demonic search teams had come up blank so far, and it was frustrating the species to no end. The King of the crossroads had been recruited in the hopes that his set of very special skills would succeed where others have failed.

The Angels were having little better luck finding the weapon that pierced the side of Christ, and could possibly raise Lucifer. But in angelic defense, most of them have not set foot on earth in so long, they continued to refer to the middle east by its original name, Mesopotamia.

A little grease in the right Jin hand had led him to this suprisingly well built, secret temple of the Crusaders. He stood weapon-less, The curse of the temple still seemed to be alive and kicking, as his knife had not made it through the forcefield, it lay in the sand outside. His powers were also numbed as he had entered, voided by the charms on this place. For the first time since the mid 16th century, he felt almost human.

He reached the heart of the temple, he dipped his torch into the oil basin and the fire quickly spread to all the torches in the room, lighting it up with a disgustingly almost heaven like glow.

The light also revealed another figure, on the other side of the room stood what looked like a woman. Brown hair piled high atop her head, even in the distance he could make out flashing green eyes and thin lips pressed tightly in a scowl.

Without his powers Crowley could not tell who or what this was. She wore the garb of a nun. Could be angel, a hunter, or it could just be a demon trying to be a joker, nuns and priests were popular meatsuits because of how much fun it was to mess with the soul inside.

"Come here often love?" His eyes go black as he jokes to the stranger, stepping up towards the staff. "Step away from the relic, demon trash." Her greens eyes flash to heavenly blue. She was an angel. He just chuckles deeply, "If my horns are clipped in here, that means your wings are as well." He smirks, adjusting the color of his black ruffled shirt. "Winking those pretty angel blues at me is the worst you can do darling."

He reaches for the spear. "You want this pointy stick? Come and fetch it."

The battle quickly escalated, punches flew and the creatures in battle were forced to fight as mortals. Even without her wings, Crowley had to admit, this bitch could fight. Her mind was as agile as her thin, school teacher like vessel.

Both began to show the all to human evidence of a fight. His eye was black and her nose bleeding but still they fought.
It was then that Crowley decided that this vessel was actually quite attractive. Once that habit had been torn off, and that rage filled her green eyes, hair in a mess and caked in dirt. It was so unbecoming of a nun that it was... rather becoming.

The played what seemed like an eternal game of tug of war, pushing and pulling at the Holy Spear, both refusing to let go. This was no ordinary pencil pushing, do as its told angel. She had a bite. He decided to have a bit fun and gain an upperhand. Lifting the spear over her head and shoving her hard against the stone temple wall he kissed her. He loved throwing people off gaurd, love the way bodies went rigid in shock and unexpectency.

In that split second before she released the staff and shoved him off, slapping him hard across his face, He experienced something no other demon had, and something that no other would for at least another 300 years. His body was sparked to life, like a human being brought back from the dead, even at such low power, he was over taken. He could taste her pure white light, could feel each of his molecules buzzing with the purest energy in the cosmos. He could practically taste heaven on those suprisingly suductive thin lips. She was intoxicating.

A split second later he stood in awe, cradling his cheek from the powerful blow it had just recieved. "How dare you!" She spat, eyes flashing blue in anger.
Every fiber of his being screamed and shrieked at him that what he just did was incredibly wrong. Not the good kind of wrong, the kind that demons thrive on, and live for... but a wrong that even he knew was blasphemy, that even a demon realized, was never supposed to happen. The only thing scarier then the feeling he was feeling, would probably be meeting Cain himself. Any other demon would have followed that basic instinct, buy Crowley, he immediately knew that he had to do that again.

He looked her over, her chest heaved below that wimple, and her hands trembled just slightly. She had felt something simular, he could tell. "What's the matter love, Demon got your tounge?" He mocked through a deep chuckle.

"Insolent pig." She hissed. "Hand over the relic or ill..." "Do what exactly?" He finished, twirling the priceless artifact around in his hand. "Keep up this eternal kitty fight? We've been at this for a while now love, it's clear were both headed nowhere in a hurry."

She continues with that icy death glare that could match any demons. "Tell you what you overgrown pigeon..." he starts. "I am in the business of making deals, it's kind of my thing... I'm pretty sure we could come to an agreement that would leave both parties mutually satisfied." He grins deviously.

"Don't be ridiculous. Angels don't make deals with Demons." She shakes her head. "Ah, but I'm making the deal, your just accepting it. Don't rush the gate before you've heard what I've to offer." Says The Demon. "I have something you want, and you have something I want."

"Why would a Demon be willing to bargain away what so many of your kind have died searching for?" She crosses her arms in suspicion. "I have my reasons." He shrugs. "Pray, do tell." She narrows her eyes at him. Such ice, not even the deepest flames of Hades could melt. "Never was a big fan of old Lucy." He explains. "Some of us actually like him where he is."

"I see." She responds cooly. "Take my deal lass, and you can flitter flatter out of here and back to the land of milk and honey." He states leaning onto the Holy relic as if it were a cane. "Well I was not created a soldier, bureaucracy is not beneath me." She says. "But I am an Angel, I have no wordly possessions, what could you possibly want from me?"

"It's something quite simple really." He unrolls a scroll using what little magic he had left. It was one of the shortest he had ever made up. "A kiss?!?" She exclaims, jerking it out of his hands forcefully. "Blasphemy!" Naomi cries. "Been there, done that." He chuckles. "What is this clause, stating that I have to try my best?" She nitpicks, he loves the nitpickers.

"I'm not talking chaste little baptism ritual kiss here love. When I say you have to try... well you'll know that when you feel it." A sly smile on his face. "And you will surrender the staff?" She interrogates after finishing reading the contract.

"I don't know how much you know about demons love, but when it's on paper we are bound to honor it."

The Angel looks around the temple, contemplating... then at the staff in his hands. "Deal."


Authors Note

Just a little something I started working on because I shipped Naomi and Crowley before I even knew about Mesopotamia.
If I get enough support I just might continue it. Next chapter in the works now, so let me know what you think.

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