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"Deal." Naomi tries her best to regain her beaucratic composer as she answers the smooth talking demon. This was a viable if not unorthodox solution to the dilemma at hand.

She had no soul for him to steal, there was nothing for him to gain from this experience other then the experience itself. She tried hard to calm the pounding of this human heart. With her grace suppressed, human emotions were beginning to surface. She looked over the demon once more as she took the quill from his hand. Wishing for her full powers so she could see his true face, instead of the short but commanding human male, dressed in a black shirt and raven kilt that she saw now. "But first tell me why...?" Naomi asks. "Why is this mortal exchange what you want in return for surrender?"

"This isn't a surrender." He scoffs "Think of it more like a loose the battle win the war sort of thing, This is like chess dear. " Crowley grins. "As for the terms of our deal, like you said, you have no wordly possessions, I'm just taking what I can get."

Naomi was not amused at this vague answer, she immediately sensed an alternative motive, but a voice in her head already knew the answer. Gripping the quill, she signed.

The Demon pulled the scroll back to examine her signature. "Naomi, what a painfully heavenly name." He remarks in a sort of mock compliment. "Quit the chit chat demon and tell me yours." She hissed.

"My name?" He smiles. "My name was never part of the bargain love."
"Consider it an additional clause. If I'm going to have a sinful taint on my eternal light, I deserve and demand to know who from." She argues. "How romantic." He jokes in response, taking a step closer. "Very well then, the names Crowley."

He was close to her, awfully close. She could feel the tingling of his slightly alcohol tinged breath brushing against her cheeks. He grinned, eyes going black.

He placed his hand on the small of her back. His simple touch sent sparks up her spine, and she tried not to flinch. "Ready now your featherness?" He asked.
She could only nod, she was not programmed, nor did she have any idea about how to complete this task. The only clues she had was the occasional glance down at earthlings she took. The Nun she was inhabiting had her fare share of experience though, and Naomi hoped that even at such low power, some human instinct might kick in.

His lips met hers slowly, they were warm and he tasted like sin and fire, but the demons touch was shamefully inviting. Blood rushed to her head, making her feel light and fuzzy. He pulled away slowly. She blinked, the vessel was unable to form words at the moment. She quickly recovered and pushed away the strange feeling that had enveloped her vessal. Ignoring the trace of curiosity her angelic self felt.

"Very well then, the sinful deed is done." She plants firmly. "Surrender the relic."
"Not so fast my dear." He shakes his head at the angel, trying to hide the slight tremble of his hands after this last kiss. "I'm not sure how much dear old dad told you about crossroads demons, but we always seal a deal with a kiss." He explains. She slits her eyes at him, remembering what he says to be truth. Demons and deals, what on earth has she gotten herself into. "So consider that a dry run." He smirks.

He was so arrogant she held herself back from slapping him again, just on principal. "Alright Crowley," but the way she said his name it sounded more like "alright cockroach". "You want a kiss from an Angel..?" Her voice such a fearsome tone that it would have sent any human running. "Let's kiss."

She grabs him by the shirt and repeating what he had done earlier, slams him against the wall so hard that had he been human, his back would have broken. Planting her hands firmly on his shoulders, she kisses the demon.
She is immedietly and unexpectedly flooded with that raging fire the second their mouths colided, It engulfed her entire being, encompassing her and it burned at every fiber, both vessal and host. Naomi hadn't experienced a flame like this since God rained fireballs down onto Sodom and Gomorrah two thousand years ago.

When the angel kissed Crowley, he could only describe it like electricity. Like he had been struck by a hundred simultaneous bolts of lightning. Their lips moved together, and their hands moved over each-other's bodies, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her completely against him, deepening The kiss. She felt him glide his tongue against her lower lip. Unsure, she opened her mouth to let him in. The contract did say try.... his tongue met against hers and she was suprised at how pleasent this experience was.

His short beard scratches at her face as he cupped his hand over her cheek and pulled away from her mouth. The smart mouthed demon was at a momentary loss for words. Kissing an angel felt like exactly how it's described. Kissing an angel.

Lust overtook the angel for the first time, because even though she had fulfilled her contract, She ran her fingertips through his hair, and pulled him back in.

This was a trick, it had to be.
He turned her around so that he had both her wrists held firmly against the wall above her head. Eyeing her with suspicion. She didn't struggle, or try to kick him like he was anticipating. He stepped closer, until their chests were touching. She took a deep breath and he was surprised by the feeling of her lips on his mouth in the dark. Her mouth was warm and inviting, soon he found himself, closing his eyes, and kissing her back.

Her tense body relaxed as he pressed her further against the wall. She deepened the kiss and he reacted by dragging her lower lip with his teeth, causing her to moan.
She wrapped one leg around his, Soon lost in the rhythm of each other. His body was pressed hard against hers, he released her wrists and grabbed the thigh of the leg that was wrapped around his. He lifted her up and hooked both her legs around his waist, slowly running his hands up her thighs, causing her to sigh softly. Next grabbing her waist, and pressing her even further against the wall. Hands now free, without breaking the kiss, she wrapped them around his head, weaving her fingers into his short dark hair.

Just as unexpected as the kiss had started, it ended. He pulled back, setting her down, he took a step back. Both were breathless, panting, despite the chill of the evening air.


-Authors Note-

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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