Ch. 27: Break Me Down

Comenzar desde el principio

"Have it your way," Ryuuko shrugged. "You've gotta figure out how to mold the chakra into something else."

I nodded. Challenge accepted.


Challenge completed. Finally.

It had taken me two days, and multiple rests, but I had finally managed to make a water beast. And it wasn't a snake, thankfully. It vaguely resembled a canine, but also had that kind of liquidy shape most people associate with cats. So it was kinda weird.

"Good job," the orange-haired man said after I'd shown him my completed jutsu. He looked proud, which made me rather happy. Nothing like being recognized by your teacher as doing something right. "You've basically got that one. All that remains before you can say you've mastered it is practice. A lot of practice."

I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Of course."

"But you can do that as we learn other things," Ryuuko said offhandedly. "I mean, that's why you're here. To learn."

I nodded eagerly. "Right! So what's next?"




When Ryuuko said genjutsu, he didn't necessarily mean the kind that drives your opponent insane. He meant the kind that you can cast on yourself, and which can make people see different things.

For example, Ryuuko made a jutsu that makes people unable to see you. It's a genjutsu that lets people see exactly what they wanted to see when they looked at you. If they didn't know you were there, they wouldn't expect to see you. So they don't. Simple as that.

It was actually a very easy jutsu to learn, but there was one major flaw. If a person didn't know what they wanted to see when they looked at a place, they'd see you. Like a person exploring an area for the first time. But trying to hide from guards partrolling? This jutsu was perfect.

Another genjutsu I learned was one that was pretty similar to the first. The difference being, this one couldn't be used on yourself, and only on inanimate objects. It was the same principle, but because of this one major difference, it couldn't be used on living things.

But Ryuuko, being the annoying old person that he is, didn't tell me the difference. The two jutsus had the same chakra drain, and the only difference I could see was one hand sign. Apparently that was enough of a difference for it not to be able to be used on living creatures. Whatever. I had explicitly been warned about the difference, and would hopefully remember it.

"Okay, that's enough for one day," Ryuuko announced as I was trying to meditate and find a way for me to improve anything I knew. This was also a part of the training, as Ryuuko said I'd learn things better if I figured them out myself.

Together, we walked back to the cave Ryuuko lived in, and that I'd been staying in. It was modest, but livable. There was one main bed, but on the second day Ryuuko and I had made another, smaller bed for me. There was a stream outside for water, and a smaller, connected cave with a spring inside. Contrary to other springs, this one had super cold water, and it was continuously circulating, which made it even colder.

But neither of us had a choice about using it, because it was either the cold water or no baths. And quite frankly, it's not nice smelling horrible if you've got a better-than-average sense of smell. It's also not fun being near someone who doesn't shower, so I forced Ryuuko to bathe more often as well.

It was a nice little cave, nonetheless. It had everything we needed, so I can't complain.

The two of us entered the cave, and I immediately plopped down on one of the logs by the fire. Training kept me warm, but once I stopped, all bets were off.

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