Chapter Two

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     Gasping for air, Evie rolled herself over onto her back. A sharp pain shot up her left side causing Evie to cry out in pain. She was able catch most of her breath, but the pain in her side caused her to only take shallow breaths. Even the slightest movement shot pain up the left side of her body. Something was definitely broken. It felt like her rib, but Evie wasn't sure.

      A low snarl followed by rustling of a bush could be heard near Evie. Her eyes widened and she stopped moving, hoping whatever it was would leave her alone. Unfortunately, she wasn't that lucky. An abnormally large, black wolf sprung out of the bushes and walked towards her at a low crouch. This wolf looked about two times larger than an average sized wolf. Evie slowly moved her hand to her pocket where she had a small dagger. Before she could grab her dagger, the wolf lunged on top of her, its large jaws snapping at her throat. To prevent the wolf from biting her throat, she held it back with her forearm pressed against it's chest. The wolf was obviously stronger than her and it's snarling mouth inched closer as she grew weaker. The adrenaline pumping through her body helped her to ignore the intense pain in her side.

      The wolf seemed to pause a moment. It stopped trying to bite her neck and glared at her. Confused, Evie looked back at it as she tried to grab her dagger again. Wolves usually didn't act this way, Evie knew, but they also weren't this big either. Nothing about this was normal. The wolf backed up slightly as she finally got her dagger in her grasp. Acting quickly before it attacked again, Evie stabbed the wolf in it's side. Luckily for Evie, this startled the wolf and it howled out in pain, but it didn't let it's guard down for too long. It drew it's attention back to Evie, but this time it was more angry. Forgetting about her injured side, she tried to crawl away, but a wave of pain jolted through her body, causing her to stop and cry out again.

The wolf snarled loudly and attacked again while Evie was distracted. It's large, powerful jaws clamped down on her right forearm as she attempted to shield herself. This time, she let out a terrified scream instead of a cry of pain. The wolf's jaw remained locked onto Evie's arm as she yelled out in fear and pain, too stunned to do anything else. The wolf suddenly yelped and shriveled into silver dust. Miles fell to his knees beside her and started ripping fabric off his pants. It appeared that he was talking, but she couldn't hear him. As Miles began wrapping up her bloody arm, Evie started to become dizzy. Apparently her face showed it because Miles stopped wrapping her arm and grabbed her face in his hands. Evie could tell he was gently patting her cheek trying to get her to stay awake, but she couldn't hear or feel him. Suddenly everything went black.

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