Chapter Twelve: Where it all began (Levi)

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They say that when you meet the love of your life time stops. That nothing else in the world matters when the two of you are together. Josh makes me feel that way. I looked forward to our time together tonight. As five o'clock rolled around, I had just finished cleaning out the stables when I got a text alert on my phone as I pulled it out from the backpocket of my jeans.

Miranda: Am I seeing you tonight?

Me: I'm sorry baby. But I have other plans.

Miranda: *sad emoji face*

Me: Please don't be upset.

Miranda: How can I not be? I always look forward to seeing you when you get off work. And now you tell me that you're busy tonight.

Me: Look, I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow.

I quickly powered off my cell phone and breathed a sigh of relief. I think it's time I break it off with Miranda. I'm positive her father would be much pleased. I closed up the barn after returning the horses and looked toward the house. Hard to believe in a couple of hours I'll be back here picking up Josh for our date.

As I moved across the field to my truck, I could see the workers out back putting up a huge tent. I wondered what Josh would look like in a suit and tie. I smirked at the thought and got in my truck. The engine nearly died twice when I tried to crank it over again and again. I was less than a couple of paychecks away from putting a down payment on a newer used truck that had less than fifty thousand miles on it.

The money I got from working on the farm was a great new source of income, way better than I could have ever imagined. Stopping my foot on the gas pedal, the exhaust backfired as the engine finally started. Oh, thank you, God. Now if I could only make it last until the end of the date. I kept my fingers crossed and drove down the driveway as I headed for home. I had less than four hours to get myself ready and hyped up for tonight's activities.

A quick stop at the local drug store provided the necessities needed to myself look more presentable than I already am. I walked out of there with twenty-three dollars' worth of items that consisted of deodorant, hair gel, and a small bottle of men's cologne. I couldn't be more excited even if I tried. Tonight was a very important night for me. I had to prove myself to Josh to show him that I wasn't just some cowboy but that I can also be a perfect gentleman.

When I arrived home at a quarter to six, I made reservations for two at Don's pizzeria. I relaxed for a while and caught the last few minutes of a football game until it was time to get ready. I showered and shaved and combed my hair as I carefully applied the gel. Next, I sprayed my chest with cologne and went to the closet in search of my best going-out clothes. Damnit. Forty-five minutes had passed before I looked around and noticed that all my clothes had been thrown on the floor.

All I had was Wrangler jeans and shirts with the sleeves rolled up. I worried what Josh would think if I showed up on his doorstep looking like I always did. I looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was now eight o'clock. I had less than an hour to get dressed. Screw it. I thought to myself, and found the darkest pair of navy blue jeans I owned. I also slipped into a nice white dress shirt and cleaned up my boots.

I left my cowboy hat hanging on the edge of the door as I grabbed my car keys and stuffed my wallet into the pocket of my jeans. My heart was racing with each step that I took. It got even louder as I drove along the normal route. When I pulled up to the house, I left the engine running out of fear that it would stall again. I got out and walked up the stairs as I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

The front door opened as Josh's sister greeted me with a friendly smile as she let me inside.

"Nice to see you again, Levi. Damn, you sure clean up nice. Josh will be done in a second."

"No problem."

I paced around the foyer for what seemed like an eternity until I heard a door open and close upstairs followed by the sound of footsteps. I turned and looked up at the cutest thing I ever did see. Dressed in ripped jeans and a casual T-shirt, Josh made his way down the staircase. I met him at the bottom and grinned from ear to ear.

"You look perfect."

"Thank you. You look hot."

I chuckled. "I'm glad you think so. I spent nearly an hour trying to figure out what to wear."

"Aww. Well, it was well worth it. Should we go?"


"Wait a minute you two," said Taylor. "Not until I get a picture."

"Taylor," Josh replied. "We really don't need to—"

"Just shut up and smile for the camera."

"It'll be a lot easier if you just do what she says." He whispered to me.

I put my hand around his waist as I pulled him against me and looked straight at the camera lens. The bright flash nearly blinded me as I reached for the door knob and opened it. Josh walked ahead of me as he went straight for my truck and climbed inside. This was going to be a fun night. I was sure of it.

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