Chapter Seven: Hangover (Joshua)

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Pain shot through the center of my skull like a bullet to the brain. I willed my eye lids to slowly open as I winced and came face to face with the morning sun. Ugh. I was in desperate need of some heavy painkillers and the strongest coffee known to man. I got up and like a vampire, tip-toed around the sun's rays until I could find the heavy curtain and shut the drapes. Ah, much better. A thud outside my bedroom door announces that my drunken twin-sister is up and clearly suffering from the side effects.

I open the door and find her face down on the floor as I help to pick her up.

"What happened to us last night?" I asked.

"I'm sure not. But I think I remember seeing a bottle of tequila and us doing shots."

I whined. "Oh, no. You know, I blame you for this."

"Me!?" she exclaimed. "Brother, you were having just as much fun as I was so don't even get me started."

We helped each down the stairs while at the same time trying not to stand in the path of the incoming sun. In the kitchen, Mom was hard at work making breakfast for what's-his-name. But the element of surprise was short lived when Mom looked at the two of us and shook her head in disbelief. I got Taylor seated on a bar stool next to the marble island as I walked around and found the source of life aka god's gift to the people of this great nation our coffee maker.

I pulled out a fresh filter and began grinding the coffee grounds until they were blended before inserting the strainer into the machine and pushed start. Within minutes the kitchen smelled of fresh hot coffee. Mom pulled out a bottle of Advil and tossed it across the room at Taylor who caught it on the first try. I was impressed considering just how drunk she actually was. The coffee stopped running and soon two white mugs were hot to the touch only we didn't care we just wanted our morning coffee and aspirin.

Knock...knock...knock. Someone was at the front door as Mom left to go answer it. I smiled at my coffee as I slowly took a sip. Mmmm. Hello, old friend.

"Ah, Levi! Good morning." Mom stated as I spit out my coffee. Oh, no. Please God no!

The sound of the front door closing echoed throughout the house making me dread the number of footsteps it would take from the foyer to the kitchen. I wiped my lips and grabbed a napkin, cleaning up the mess. My heart raced when I saw Levi standing in my kitchen. His pearly white teeth gleamed as he smiled and shook hands with my soon to be stepfather. When his eyes landed on mine I nearly fainted dead on the spot.

What was it about this guy that made me want to kiss him without a care in the world? From the cowboy boots to the ripped Wrangler jeans, his flannel shirt was only partially buttoned expect for the last two remaining buttons near the top. I could also see that he had on a wife beater shirt underneath. No matter really. I hope to see him shirtless soon enough. Did he ever take the cowboy hat off though? Either way, he still looks good with or without it on him I was just curious.

"Levi," Mom said. "Would you care for some coffee this morning before you started work?"

"Oh, no thank you, Ma'am. I already have a thermos in my truck."

"Well, I would love to show you to the barn but I'm afraid I'm swamped with this wedding. Let me see here...Joshua, why don't you show Levi the barn."

The coffee mug slipped from my fingers as it clattered in the bottom of the sink, my eyes wide with horror. Me? The room fell deathly silent as all eyes were upon me. Mom stood with her hand on her hip as she looked at me like I had better not broken that mug. Taylor glanced at me through her long blonde curls as she grinned and shook her head. I swallowed and maintained my composure as I tried to find the words to speak.

"Very well, Mother. Just let me get dressed first. Levi, I'll be right down."

He smirked. "Take your time. I'm in no rush."

Take your time. I'm in no rush. Squeals of delight. Oh, if only he would say that in bed. I calmly walked around the corner and when I was out of ear shot, I ran up the stairs like a madman to my room as I shut the door and began scrambling for fresh clothes. I tossed my suitcase upside down and find a nice casual gray T-shirt with blue jeans. I slipped my bare feet into a pair of sandals that I bought along the California coast one summer.

A quick glance in the bathroom mirror and I was ready to go on my walk with Levi; the irresistibly handsome, hot new stable boy. Maybe this would be my chance at a summer romance. Only time would tell. I took a minute to calm my heartbeat before exiting the bedroom and walking down the stairs were Levi was already waiting for me by the backdoor. Mom and Damon had already left so it was just Taylor. As Levi opened the door, I glanced back at my twin sister who waved and slammed her head against the counter top. Poor thing passed out again.

"So..." Levi began as we stood on the porch. "Have you lived here long?"

"No. I live in California. I'm just here for my Mother's wedding. Yeah, it was kind of a last minute surprise for me. I had just graduated when I got the call. Kind of a shocker."

He laughed. Even his laugh sounded just as sexy as his deep southern accent. With the sleeves rolled up, I could see the nice tan he had going on for himself. I wondered if the rest of his body was kissed by the sun. I shook my head when I realized he was speaking to me again.

"Yeah, I can imagine. So, are you here for the whole summer?"

I shrugged. "Eh. I mean, I was ready to bolt right after the wedding but I think I might stay."

"Cool. Care to show me the barn."

"The barn. Yes. Follow me."

"Lead the way."

A blush flushed in my cheeks as it heated my face and I prayed that it was caused by the sun. A worn out white fence lined the property surrounding the fields and barn as Levi hopped over it with grace and waited for me on the other side. Show off. I hoisted myself up and swung one leg over and then the other, but somehow my foot got caught and I started to fall. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact but none came. When I opened them again there was Levi, staring back at me. His eyes were sapphire blue, like a deep ocean of secrets. I felt the weight of his hand pressed firmly against my back, his muscles hardening as he held me up right.

"Thanks for that." I said, shyly.

He cleared his throat. "Don't mention it."

We walked clear across the field as Levi brought up the subject of snakes hiding in the tall grass.

"Snakes! There are snakes here!?"

Tipping his hat, he said. "Yeah. But we country boys don't mind them."

Ewe. I looked down and thought of a snake slithering across my foot as I sprinted to the barn with Levi laughing behind me. He continued to laugh until he was standing beside me with a grin on his face.

"You were just joking." I said.

"I wanted to see your reaction. And now I have."

I resisted the urge to make a comeback and asked Levi to help me open the barn doors. Inside, horses remain in their rightful stables. I walk amongst them and gently pet their mane as they snort in response. Levi looks around and examines the tools that hang on the far wall.

"So, what do you think?" I ask.

"I like it. I look forward to working here. I see that you like horses. Do you ride?"

I smile. "No. But I've always wanted to learn. They're beautiful creatures."

"Yeah," he replied, his voice drifting off the subject. I caught him staring out of the corner of my eye. It made me blush. I secretly hoped he meant that I was beautiful.

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