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Felix missed Blue a lot. He couldn't stop thinking about her. And everything she did for him even if she didn't realize it.

Felix headed into work three weeks after the incident. He hadn't spoken to Blue since, nor seen her. Felix had been at work but hadn't been working with Blue since the ripping of the book.

He longed to see her just one more time. Just once more. He just needed to tell her that he loves her.

Just then, he got a call. It was from an unknown number but he answered anyways.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hi, Felix?" A soft voice of a young woman spoke on the other end.

"Speaking. Who is this?" Felix questioned.

"I-it's Blue. I need help."

Felix stayed on the phone with her while she gave him directions to her apartment. As soon as he walked in he saw blood and broken beer bottles and Blue crying on the floor.

IM FINALLY BACK! Sorry for such a short update but hopefully I'll be back to regular updates!

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