I gasp into the darkness. "Why would anyone make a bond but then break it?" I whisper softly. 

"I don't know, it depends on the circumstances. Let's say that you met your mate and you instantly claim them but you really don't know them. But the day after you find out that they are a rogue, a killer, or already have a family with kids, you have the right to reject them. This is why mates aren't allowed to claim each other until their sixteen. This gives you two years to know your mate, to become a part of their lives and understand them. The waiting period is only there to protect them. Most people don't reject each other though. It's only a few here and there." He explains. 

"But that's not going to happen to us." I whisper back. 

He tightens his hold on me and kisses the top of my head. "Never, you're stuck with me now." He says making me laugh quietly. 

"I'm sorry for what I did today," I whispered. "I wouldn't ever cuss at someone like that." 

I feel him shake his head. "It wasn't you Dee; I understood what I was getting myself into and knew that I should have been there sooner to help you and your wolf." 

"It will get better right? I won't lose control like that again?" 

He shrugs. "I don't know, I would like to think that my bite will help you but I don't know for sure just yet. I guess we will figure it out as we go." 

"Do you think I will die when I transform?" I ask suddenly. 

It's been playing at my mind ever since I have become one with my wolf. I remember him saying that I didn't have a good rate of survival when I do transform. But even taking the protein drinks that Dr. Manor has been giving me doesn't seem like enough. I still worry that I may snap and transform too early, killing me in seconds. Even though I told him and everyone else not to worry about it I can't help but too. In a year or less I would know my answer and it scared the hell out of me. 

He's quiet for a moment; the only sound is our breathing. His arms wrap around me firmly, protectively. 

"Nothing is going to happen to you Dee. You will make the transformation, I know you will." He breaths out making me bite my lip hard. 

"And what about tomorrow? Or the next day, we don't know when my father-" 

"Shh, Dee," One of his hands runs through my hair, soothing me. "Your right, we don't know what your father has planned, but I can guarantee you that he will not get to you, you will not leave my sight. He can wait around forever or attack us. If it the later than he will be dead before he can see you." He growls lowly making me bite my lip harder. 


"No, no buts. No worrying about the future, just live with me in the now." He whispers in my ear making me shiver and my wolf howl with pleasure. 

"I love you." I Say quietly. 

I can feel his smile; feel his joy just at the one comment. His heart beating in time with my own. It makes me smile too. 

"I love you too Dee, so much." He whispers back. "Now, come on go to sleep we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."  

I groan when I realize it's my birthday. A full day of training and being stuck at his house because he knows it's secure and safe for me to be there. I wasn't allowed to go out to town until that night where my birthday dinner was being held. I wasn't looking forward to it. 


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