Chasing Pavement [ 18 - Continuation ]

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             SEE YOU NEXT WENDESDAY!!!
             Enjoy this for now]

I felt absolute butterflies as I gazed forwards, not wavering what so ever just in case this was a dream. You don’t realize how much exactly you want something until you face it head on. And, right now, I was defiantly facing this. I was going to grab this moment and hold on for dear life. Even if I felt like I couldn’t catch anything at the moment, let alone this moment. Liam pulled the car to a stop in the open space of dead grass and switched off the engine. This was my one time, my one chance to let everything else go and just…


     I heard Kaylie swallow in the seat behind me but I didn’t pay much attention. She was the one who came up with this plan to each pick one detour. And, this was my detour. My friends and I would all experience the lightness of skydiving. It was one of those things that you had to do before you die… I was just checking this escapade off earlier. “Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?” Kaylie questioned again from the back seat with a stiff voice.

     I tore my eyes away from the speck of a person that I found in the middle of their fall to look at my friend. I felt a twang of sadness run through me, so I gave her an out. “You don’t have to go up with us.” I told her truthfully. I wasn’t that evil. And she would probably pee herself so I was not only saving Kaylie but also the expert that she would be strapped to.

     With a nervous laugh, Kaylie threw open the door and stood on slightly shaky legs. “What?” she questioned with a voice that was meant to be stronger than it was. “I just didn’t want you to pee yourself when we g- go into free… free fall.” She stuttered out. It’s funny because I had just thought the same of her. I smile at her slightly. She would go through with it. She didn’t want to look scared.

     I walked over to her and place my hand on her shoulder, squeezing slightly. “It’ll be worth it when we finish… you could go to a happy place?” I told her hesitantly.

     “I thought that was only for sexual abuse?” she told me with a look that wondered if I was sane or not.

     “It’s not copy righted just for that.” I told her with a pout and stepped away, crossing my arms over my chest. “It can work in any situation where your scared.” I should know. That was what I did when my parents used to bicker and argue… except it wasn’t a metaphysical place what so ever.

     Kaylie didn’t say anything to that. She gave me a look before flicking her hair up into a pony tail. Smiling hesitantly, she walked as confidently as she could to the front doors of the small establishment. The skydiving building was actually quite small. It was more of a tin trailer with a tarp extending over lockers and equipment. Behind the trailer was an airfield. The airfield was actually probably not meant to be there. It wasn’t an air field where big company planes could land… I guess they would land there in emergencies… but with the land all around here, it would seem that any distressed plane had a wide variety of places to land. There were three small planes; each having the slide hatch on its right side and the establishment’s name embroidered on the side, and the fourth plane was just coming down, similar to these.

     I quickly trailed behind Anna as I saw her shuffling towards the door, the last to make her way towards the trailer seeing as she was all over the place taking pictures. I guess this detour started out as a whim but it soon turned out to be just what I really needed. A way to let everything just go before I went back home to the boring life that I actually had.

     I opened the door, a chime alerting my entrance. I pushed my sunnies back up onto the top of my head and squinted at the different hue of the interior of the trailer. The guy at the counter was talking to Liam adamantly. Both of their interest surely entertained. It was bound to happen. You could only hang out with your sisters girlfriends for so long before any male conversation was appreciated. The guy at the counted looked at my friends and I every few moments. Clearly checking out Liam’s little sister as she browsed in a daze through everything. Anna was up for anything as long as it was fun so she didn’t have a problem with skydiving. I walked up next to Liam, listening in on their conversation.

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