Chasing Pavement [ o1 ]

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Hello! And...


I bet you totally thought this was going to be an upload…

                       Well, you were WRONG!!!







I’m so weird >.<

So, how was your day?

Not so great? Was it because it was April first?

Oh, because you didn't ware green and were pinched instead?

Right... wrong holiday XD


APRIL FOOLS AGAIN!!! Here’s the first chapter

... I hope no one gave up in the beginning…

Chasing Pavement

[ o1 ]

What do you do for thirty seven hours when you know that each passing minute, each passing second, is bringing you closer and closer to a life that you left behind? What do you do in a car full of friends for thirty seven hours when you cannot stomach a conversation because your stomach is too busy turning so angrily that you can’t concentrate on anything or anyone else? What I found here, ladies and gentleman, is a new type of torture. I felt bad that I was slowly falling into my own head and ignoring my friends who I had forced into this trip with me.

     And that was why, when we hit the first hour of driving, I jumped into the conversation when Anna suddenly moaned. “I’m so hungry!”

     “I second that motion.” I firmly agreed and raised my hand up eagerly looking at my friend’s face, wondering if Kaylie would back me up too.

     I could feel most of the car jump at my sudden exuberance to talk aloud. My friends almost seemed like they had forgotten about me even being in the car with them. “Anna, didn’t you eat breakfast at Lil’s house.” I hear Kaylie comment in the back seat incredulously.

     “I can’t help that I’m excited… fast metabolism here!” Anna shot back, pointing to herself a little jumpily-- like usual.

     Liam cut in to their happy bickering. “Well,” he dragged out. “I don’t think we should stop yet. Why don’t we at least make it out of North Carolina first?” he looked in the rearview mirror and I could see Anna caving under her brother’s gaze.

Chasing PavementWhere stories live. Discover now