Chasing Pavement [ o9 ]

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Chasing Pavement

[ o9 ]

I could hear the music from outside of the doorway as Liam and I walked down the empty corridor. It pulsed with a soft beet and, when I recognized the song, I started to sway slightly. “I’m guessing you know this song?” Liam asked.

     I lulled my head towards Liam as I did my own little jig. “Yup!” I said and popped the ‘p’. “But,” I pursed my lips together in concentration. “I can’t remember what from.”

     “The first time I heard this song, it was the ninth grade Halloween dance.” A smile flitted onto his face. “With Jamie Palemino…”

     And then I stopped dancing and looked down at the floor. I knew this song from a dance. But what dance? And then it clicked and I stopped walking. It was from my fifth grade father daughter dance.

     My dad hadn’t come, but I went anyways. I thought, maybe if I had gone, he could meet me there. But, I soon realized that that wasn’t happening and I made my loud exit during this song. Everyone had whispered about it the next day. Whose father would even go to a dance with their daughter?

     I looked back to the door. Then to Liam, who had stopped walking and was now watching me. A curious expression crossed his face. “Screw this chizz!” I said and walked over to a bench that lined the hallway. I sat down, half falling into the seat. Then I took off my shoes.

     I wiggled my free toes before looking back up to Liam. “Do high heels really hurt that bad?” he asked, looking at the evidence that I clutched in my hands.

     “Hell to the yeah!” I stood up and slung them over my shoulder. “Do you wanna try them?”

     “As much fun as that sounds, I think we should be getting back.”

     When he turned around to go back to the reception, I shouted out to him. “Oi! No were not!” I turned the opposite way and started to walk to the doors that led to freedom. I looked over my shoulder to see if Liam was following me. He wasn’t. “Common, were ditching.”


     “Nah, let’s go.” He gave me a look. “We won’t get in trouble.”

     “That’s not what I meant.”

     “Then what did you mean?”

     “Well…” he gave a shrug. “You know, it’s your dad’s wedding.”

     “No, it’s the sperm donor’s wedding. Common, let’s go before were found.” Liam gave me another look. “Seriously, let’s get out of here. My mind’s already made up anyways.” Liam’s gaze locked with mine again and we stood there, in the middle of the hallway. I placed one of my hands on my hip, waiting for him to cave.

     Five… four…

     His lips broke into a smile and he tugged his tie loose. “Fine, you don’t have to be so aggressive.” He joked as he walked to me.

     “Well, it was either you or I go alone.” I perused my lips again. “And I would be supper bored alone.”

     “Glad to know how needed I am.” He said and rolled his eyes at me.

     “Yeah, cowboy, let’s go.” I snapped and started to push him forwards.

     “Okay, okay. Don’t get so pushy.” He gave a chuckle and started to walk forwards again without my help. “So, what are we going to do?”

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