Chasing Pavement [ o7 - Continuation ]

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                                  Provoke Me


I pulled the naked stick from my mouth and threw it away into the trashcan that sat at the bottom of the churches steps. But, the nerves came over my body once more as my mouth was now free so I reached into my bra and pulled out another lollypop. As my friends and I all climbed up the almost blinding steps, I opened my third lollypop and plopped it into my mouth. The action gave me a slight relief to my fidgeting hands as I clasped them behind my back.

     Anna skipped up the last few steps and bound her way expertly to the heavy oak doors. She practically collided with the door before it groaned open. Kaylie walked in, followed by me with Liam bringing up the rear walked into the chilled church. It was a picturesque church. Carpeted floors, stained glass windows casting colorful designs on the floor, dark wooded pews, and the piano in the front on the raised stage. But, this was a wedding, so not only were there the normality’s of a church, but there were flowers of yellow and white draped everywhere, peach ribbons adorned the dark pews, a small alter was at the front with creeping vines coated the white wood.

     I had to say, my father sure used a lot of money on his second wedding. I had always thought that you try less with each mistake you make.

     I pushed my sunnies off of my face so that they sat on the top of my head, pushing my bangs back in disarray in the process. I looked around, wondering what they hell I was supposed to be doing. Not many people were at the church yet, but the few that were, were in small groups of hushed gossip, either sitting or standing. I spotted the minister moving through the crowds and talking to everyone. My friends and I all just stood there for a moment.

     Then, a lady I knew as Monica’s- my dad’s wife’s- mother spotted me. With an overly exuberant expression, the lady of about fifty hurried through the crowd and towards my small group, her eyes trained on me. I gave a look to my friends before the lady made it to us. When she got to us, she stopped and gave me a once over. I saw her true smile fall and a fake one replace it.

     “Hello, dear. Lilith, right?” I nodded once and she hurriedly continued. “That dress is great, but it looks so much like the bride’s maids dresses.” Her gaze fell back to my dress.

     I pulled the lolly out of my mouth. “That’s because it is.” Did she not know I was a bride’s maid or something?

     “Oh…” she trailed off and then finally seemed to notice my friends beside me. Her smile fell back onto her face. “Hello, there. I’m Shannon, Monica’s mother.” She greeted my friends. I couldn’t help but notice that when she got to Liam her smile turned predatorilal. [N/A I know, not a real word. But, it fits] “And remember, anything you need, I’ll be here.” her eyes locked onto Liam and I saw him trying to keep the smile on his face.

     Cougar alert!

     I cleared my throat and Shannon slowly turned to me, distaste clearly on her face. “Actually, I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing… or where I’m even supposed to be.” Liam, behind Shannon, puffed out his cheeks and blew out a big breath of air. I tried not to laugh at his dramatics but the grin on my face couldn’t be removed.

     “Oh. Well, come on.” She said and turned around. Before she started to walk away, though, she shot a glance over her shoulder to Liam. “I’ll be back.” She purred. When she started her walk again, I stood behind her and gagged slightly. Just gross.

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