Chapter 19

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Annabeth's POV.

"Wow a record deal. That's" I said basically speechless. I had to pinch myself to see if this was actually happening. So now I actually have to work really hard to win this competition.

"Yes a record deal, but let's keep this on the down low. We don't want any other students knowing."

"Mr. I always knew that I was your favorite. I'm not really surprised you told me instead of the other students." I smirked. He shook his head.

"That's not it. You did a really good job, but I don't have favorites Miss. Chase." He said. I put my fingers in quotations marks.

"Yeah sure. That's right, you don't have favorites. Yeah okay I believe that." I said. "Well bye."

He waved goodbye and left. I was so excited that I did a court wheel. Well if you count not putting your legs in a air, then yeah I say I did one.

I can't wait to tell Percy. He's gonna be so excited for me. Maybe even more excited than what I'm feeling now. Speaking of Percy I see him right now at his locker.

"Hey." I said to him as I walked up to him. He didn't say anything to me and just glared at me. I wonder what's up with him. Now these days he's usually happy, now he seems mad.

"So well I have good news." I told him. He shut his locker and pulled up his book bag.

"Yeah, for you." He said. I raised my eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He scoffed and continued to glare at me.

"Yeah I know about the record deal." He said. I crossed my arms and tilted my head.

"And isn't that good news. What's up with you? I thought you would be happy for me." I told him with a hint of disappoint look on my face.

"And you'll leave everything- everybody behind when you get famous and stuff." I shook my head.

"It's not really guarantee that I'll become that big of a star. And hey, if I get famous and stuff, then I'll never forget you." I told him. He put his hands in his pockets.

"What about our relationship? Yeah you didn't think about that didn't you. I finally find someone I really like and your gonna end it like that?" He snapped. My anger raised up.

"Wait hold up. I'm not even sure if I'm gonna get it. And I really don't appreciate the way you are talking to me like that. And we're not gonna break up. I really like you. Do you think after how much I tried to get you to be my boyfriend I'm just gonna break up with you like that. And the fact that you think that lowly of me hurts." I bursted out.

"I'm sorry, just the fact of thinking that you were going to leave is hard." He took my hand and rubbed them slowly with his thumbs. "Forgive me." He gently kissed my cheek.

"Yes, I guess I can't stay mad at you." I said.

He pulled my into a hug and I embraced him back. He smelled like the sea. I could've stayed there forever, but we had class. Then I had a idea.

"Now, how about we ditch school today." I whispered. He shook his head.

"Annabeth, you know we have to stop doing that. We're getting older and it's getting old." He said like he was an adult and I was a child.

I pouted and did a puppy did face.

"Okay let this be the last time and we'll never do it again. Please." I begged. He sighed.

"I don't know Annabeth I want to pass my classes this year." He said. Then suddenly I felt guilty. Like I was going to bring his grades down and the only grades I'm supposed to mess up and lower is mine.

I nodded my head. "Okay, I understand. Let me go ahead to the bathroom. I'll meet you in class." I told him. He shook his head.

"Knowing you Annabeth, you probably would ditch without me knowing. I'll wait for you outside the bathroom." He said. I grimaced a little bit, but I nodded anyways. I turned around headed to the bathroom.

Once I was in, I immediately jumped on the sink and tried to reach the vent. I was going to ditch whether Percy liked it or not. I went on my tippy toes and tried to reach it, but I was too short. The struggle is real.

I leaped and tried to hang on to the vent, but I ended up falling on the floor. My legs hurt like crazy. Okay so this was not going to work. I grabbed my stuff and ran out the bathroom as fast as I could. I quickly turned back and saw Percy running after me. I pushed open the front doors of the school and ran. I would co!e back during lunch time or something.

As soon as I was far enough I looked around my surroundings. I was in a small playground and there wasn't any children there. I sat on a bench and relaxed. I really didn't want to deal with school at all today.

My phone buzzed and I had a text message from Percy.

You thought you could get away? Turn around

I didn't even look back as I started to run, but soon I swept into someone's arms.

"Percy, let go!" I screamed.

"Never, you are to be in school." He replied. He finally turned me so I was facing him and smashed his lips into mine. I laughed and cuffed his cheeks.

"But I don't wanna go." I whined.

"Why do you hate school so much?" He asked. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

"I just really don't like school." I told him.

"Oh come on. There is a reason why you don't like school. Tell me." He said and sat on the bench. I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Well before my dad and my mom divorced and I used to live with my siblings...I used to adore school. I know what you're thinking...I can't believe Annabeth liked school for once, but I do. So Ashley and I would have contests at who was smarter in school stuff like that. But then she seemed to be better at everything than me. If I got a 98% she would go ahead and have a 100%. So everything I tried to do wouldn't be good enough for anyone." I explained.

"Well know that you will always be good enough for me. No matter what you do." He said and kissed me. What he said had just made my day.

I sighed. "You should get back to school." I told him.

"And what about you?" He asked.

"I'm staying here. But don't worry, it'll be the last time I ditch." I said.

"Well I'll stay here with you."

"No, you need to be at school if you want to pass your classes." I said.

"I'll stay here with my princess." He kissed me.

Story for the long wait

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