Chapter One

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AN: So, this is actually my second original story and the first one on this account. I've written most of this one during Nanowrimo 2015 and am currently finishing it up and editing the chapters.

The picture above is how I imagine Nia, it's Evanna Lynch :)

I hope you'll like my story! ^^


Chapter One

I was doing it again.


Staring through my dorm window.

It presented the view of a grey sky with darkening clouds and a light mist passing by.

My eyes were focused on the tree in front of it.

I was seeing it, but not entirely. I was looking at something beyond its branches.

Looking at nothing in particular.

Aware of my dream-like state I looked down at the newspaper on my desk. My fingertips were lightly touching the photo on the front page.

I wonder how they even got that picture of her.

Of my cousin.

Her hair fell in brown waves around her thin face, which was almost entirely covered by those ridiculous large sunglasses. She was smiling peacefully, a part of Hyde Park visible in the background.

I remembered the day I took that picture of her. It had been taken at her request, but had never been uploaded on any of her social media.

"It's one for the family's private collection." She'd said.

So someone must have given it to them, maybe even someone from our family.

Her parents maybe? Or aunt Sarah?

I shook my head and my eyes travelled to the unfamiliar faces of six other girls. Also visible on the front page. Their photographs had been printed a lot less bigger that my cousin's and surrounded hers like a dreadful frame.

I let out a short, humourless laugh at reading the headline again.


They'd presumed her to be dead already, though there wasn't any proof of it.

That was so typical of reporters. Already sharing the worst kind of 'news' to attract more attention and to make sure their sales went up.

I threw the paper down on the ground in a burst of anger. And hanging my head, I rested it heavily on my hands.

Lynn was not dead.

She was missing.

Just missing, nothing more.

Taken away from us by someone horrible.

At seeing her photo again, beneath me, I buried my head even deeper in my hands and started to breathe loudly.

Tears were prickling behind my eyes, but I couldn't cry.

Shouldn't cry.

She would never have wanted that, since that would mean fearing the worst.

And until there was no solid proof of that, fear shouldn't be felt.

Only hope.

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on my door.

After taking a deep breath I said, "Yeah, come in."

The door opened and my parents were standing in the doorway.

I greeted them with a small smile, "Hey..."

They smiled back at me, sadness just visible through the brave mask they were wearing on their faces.

My mum walked in and sat down on my bed in front of me, her hand resting on my knees.

Dad joined her soon enough and put his hand over hers.

It was silent for a moment before he spoke, "How are you holding up?"

I shrugged, not meeting his gaze. I realised it was becoming harder to keep the tears at bay.

But I clenched my jaw, saying "So so, you know?"

He nodded, "Yes...I've heard you've been missing some classes?"

My head shot up, my thoughts racing through my mind; looking for a suitable excuse or answer. He saw the panic in my eyes and quickly shook his head, "No, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to chastise you for it. I just...didn't really know what else to say. Sorry."

My mum nodded,"Exactly, it's perfectly understandable, sweetheart."

I relaxed again,"Is it? I'm sorry about missing them though.But when I go to class, I can't focus. It's like I can see the professors' lips moving, but can't understand a word of what they're saying."

Dad gave me a small smile, "Well, in all fairness, they are speaking a different language most of the time."

I smiled at his little joke and nodded, "True. That's probably the reason."

Mum nodded and gave my knee a light squeeze, "So, are you ready to go?"

"Go? Go where?" I asked, slightly frowning.

"Our house. We've come to take you back home for a little while."

My eyes widened, "Home? But I can't go back home again... Can I?"

She nodded, "You can. We talked to the headmaster and to the school counselor. In fact, they were the ones to suggest it."

I stared at her, "They were? But what about my classes? Or my sessions?"

This time it was my dad who answered, "They said that missing them for a little while wouldn't be a problem. Of course, if you want to go to them, you still can. But there's no obligation."

Looking down at the newspaper again, at Lynn's face, I bit my lip; wondering what I should do.

When my silence lasted a little too long, my mum broke it, "Nia, sweetheart?"

Snapping out of my trance, I got up and walked to my wardrobe,"I'll pack some of my things then."

"Okay, sweety. We'll help you."

"Thanks." I nodded.

Once we'd filled my bag with the necessary, I closed it and followed my parents to the door.

Just before I went outside, I stopped. Looking over my shoulder, I saw the newspaper again.

I turned around to my parents, "You go ahead, I'll be with you in a second."

They nodded and walked away.

Without another moment of deliberation, I went to my desk. I hunched down and picked up the paper.

Swallowing, I looked at her face and spotted the headline again. At seeing it, only one thought seemed to cross my mind.

We must hope for the best.

Then I turned off the light and walked through the door, locking it softly behind me.

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