After breakfast

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After eating some delicious waffles, Albus and I walked toward DADA together. After old Voldy was defeated we only had one DADA teacher, Professor Boot. He had been a Ravenclaw in his Hogwarts years and, from what I heard, was a decent teacher. Only he would be retiring in a few years so, Dumbledore was frantically searching for someone suitable for the job. We arrived to class about one minute early, meaning we had a very small variety of desks to choose from. Luckily there were two desks in the middle row of the class room. Albus was amazing, just like his father, and, Our class was over in a flash and, before I knew it it was time for flying. I remember reading about it in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, I was extremely excited but, also slightly worried after what happened to father. We got into the pitch and introduced to Madam Bell (Katie), who was standing on the large field. Surprisingly I only had to try saying up once before the broom shot up my hand. I was so surprised I almost dropped it but, I held a firm grip on it. Albus got his up quickly too, this was going to be fun! Madam Bell explained that we needed to wait for her to blow her whistle to fly up, sending me, Albus and, a girl named Alice BongLottom I think, I hadn't really met her, looks while talking.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while to be honest I've just been really, really lazy but, I'll try to update more, bye,

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