A New Begining

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                                                                                 Chapter One

                                                                          A New Begining


  "Scorpius, you must, become friends with the Weasleys and Potters at any cost," dad told me, "even if they don't like you much which I suspect they won't." He ended. I nodded slightly, I didn't want to disappoint him.

  After hugging my dad I slowly walked to the train, dragging my feet behind me. I wasn't used to so many people at once it was quite overwhelming. My parents let me out of the house but we never went any where this crowded. my things up onto the train trying to blend in with every one. As I trudged through the train looking for an empty compartment it hit me! I was going to The Hogwarts! My father had told me so much about it. He told me about the great hall, the classes, loads of stuff, but he wouldn't tell me about the common rooms because he said it should be a surprise where the Slytherin common room is. At first I was excited to figure it out but then other factors started to weigh down on me what would father say if I didn't get into Slytherin? Even worse what if I got into Griffendor? Then I noticed that I was already at the back of the train by two different compartments, when I peeked in to one I saw the red haired kids and two black haired boys father wanted me to be nice to, the other was empty. I thought about it and decided on the empty one after all I had all year to befriend them.

  Not even a minute after I sat down there was a knock at the door. I slid it open revealing a lady pushing a trolley. "Any thing from the trolley?" she asked sweetly. I slightly shook my head with a fragment of a smile. If I ate any thing I would probably through up out of nervousness. I silently pulled a book out of my trunk and started to read. The book was a biography of Harry Potter, Wizarding legand, it had six books used in it the seventh one was coming out Ina few months time, and I was very interested in them. Even though they were biographies they were packed with adventure. Also as I read them I understood why father would want me to befriend the "Weasleys", he was in these books as well and when I had confronted him about his behavior in the biography he explained what happened in the seventh book which was slightly disappointing because I was excited to read it.

  Before I knew it I had to change to my robes and pack up my things, for we were almost there. Finally the train came to a stop, my eyes widened as I peered out of the window. Hogwarts was amazing, it was a huge castle with a lake surrounding it and large windows scattered around. It was truly beautifull! I jogged out of the train while painfully pulling my things behind me. Suddenly I heard a shout, " FIRST YEARS OVER HERE, THIS WAY, DON'T DODLE!" I sprinted over fearing being left behind on the way to the castle. When I got closer I saw a beast of a man, it was surprising I hadn't seen him earlier. He was at least 10 feet tall and had a slightly grey beard with a ginormous leather jacket with hundreds of pockets all over it. By his side was a big grey hound bearing large pointy teeth and less intimidating floppy ears. The man lead us to the edge of the lake where there were boats waiting.

  The man introduced himself as "Hagrid". "We will cross the lake in these here boats," he explained, "then I will lead you up to the castle where ms. Clearwater will lead you to the great hall to be sorted, is that clear?" There was a chorus of yes's and mmhm's in the small crowd. "Good then let's get in the boats." We all climbed into the various boats I got into the one with the Weasley and Potter in it. The ride was almost dead silent in our boat, it was kind of awkward. Finally we arrived at the shore and followed Hagrid up to a big door, there was a slender woman standing by it I was guessing this was Proffesor Clearwater.

  We followed her to another door that was smaller than the last one but not by much before we could walk in professor explained to us what would happen we would be sorted into houses by the sorting hat and our house would be our family at Hogwarts, we could earn and lose points for our house also we could play for our houses quiddich team! Finally she let us in.

Scorpius Malfoy book oneWhere stories live. Discover now