Chapter 12 -- We're On the Way

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(Will's P.O.V.)

"Um Rob, I think we're lost." Nemo stated.

"Well, that's what we get for not bringing a map." Otto muttered.

I brought out the papers Cassie gave me. "No, I have one right here. I just didnt want to give it to you guys or we probably would have lost it."

"Gee, thanks. you have so much trust in us." Nemo said sarcastically. He looked at his nails and started to clean them. "Sheesh, these things take so much of my time cleaning."

I finally let them see the route we were taking.

"See. We are here." I pointed to a random spot on the paper so they would believe me. "MerLissa is in this cave." I pointed to the cave on the paper. "That's the side entrance to Darkvil, the city I suspect MerLissa is in. We have to get her out. Well, actually I have to because they know me."

"What?!" Otto said. "The Dark People know you? Have you been held captive or something?"

I shrugged. "You could say that. My dad went Dark and he took me with him."

Nemo thought about it. "So that's why you said you had a Dark history." He realized.

I nodded. "Wow, for once, you guys aren't being dumb."

"Can we see the map now?" Otto asked.

I handed the map to him. "Just make sure you dont drop it because there happens to be a hot geyser underneath us."

"Whatever." Nemo grabbed it from him and started looking. Then he looked at us. "This makes like no sense a all."

"Duh! Cause you're not reading it right! Give it to me." Otto said. He tried to get it back but Nemo jerked it away and forgot to hold on. The map went flying down below and the boys weren't even realizing it.

I sighed and swam down to get it. The heat started bothering me, but I kept swimming and finally caught up to it. I didn't realize that the heat started stinking because it was a seamonster's hot breath!

So after I got it, I yelled. "Guys, your map happened to fall right here!"

The boys just looked at me like I was an evil God or something. Nemo started pointing at me and then Otto yelled, "SWIM!!!!"

I looked at them and said, "What, did I scare you?" and that's when I felt a hot breath on my tail. It started creeping up my body til it was sticky on my neck. I turned around and saw...

"Oh my Scales!!!! It's a bighugesharkwithabighugehead.... I'm gonna die!!!" I know it wasn't heroic or anything, but I just swam until my tail hurt.

I couldn't find the boys, after that and I had gotten off Jenny before I went to get the so I was lost. The map was gone and i was in the middle of the ocean, meaning basically nowhere, and even if I knew my way home, it was only because my Dark Tools acted like a magnet against the huge amount of Darkeness that was floating around the city. Now I had nothing.


Yes, this was a very short chaptr but not evry chap is long!!! I've read millions of book wher they hav short chaps.

BTW I'm moving to the U.S. in the middle of the U.S. school year, sad :( I'm already in Texas, I'm not living ther...yet O_o

Plz vot comment anf fan, like usual!

kk, bye!!


P.S. Bye Australia and all the Aussies out ther!! I will miss you dearly! :(

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