Chapter 37 - Hatred

Start from the beginning

"See what I mean Cooper?!" Locke exclaimed. "He just loves you so much more!"

"Huh? What's going on?" Rhett asked. I bit my lip and sunk into the couch.

"Ugh! You're ruining my life! You took my room! My family's affection! My movie on the TV! What else do you want from me?!" Locke exclaimed. He took his phone out of his pocket and threw it next to me. "Here! What else do you want? My shoes? Well, here you go!"

He pulled his shoes off and threw them next to me as well.

"LOCKE! STOP!" Rhett shouted. It made me flinch, the volume of Rhett's voice.

But Locke had worked himself up so much, it was if he was a hurricane of destruction.

"I am SICK and TIRED of her taking everything in this house! It's Cooper this, Cooper that. Well what about me?! You gave her my room! You made me cancel my tickets to the gaming convention this weekend so you could take her out! SHE IS NOT THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS HOUSE!" Locke shouted.

"ENOUGH!" Rhett bellowed.

"I just wish the cancer would hurry up and kill you already." Locke snarled at me.

Jessie gasped and Rhett's already red face turned a shade darker. It looked like he was about to pop a vein. Silent tears began falling down my cheeks.

"Oh look, she's crying now. Why don't you run home to your Mommy and Daddy? Oh that's right, they're DEAD!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled myself off of the floor and ran to my room. I could hear Rhett shouting at Locke from the other end of the house. He just hated me. Everyone hated me.

I threw a few sets of clothes into a bag along with my iPad, grabbed my shoes, and opened the window. Sure, this might not be the most mature way to deal with this, but I just needed to get out of this house. I couldn't stay, knowing that someone hated me that much.

The streets were a tad cool, and I wish I'd brought a jacket, but there was no way I was going back. I walked a few streets, and I found myself getting tired pretty quickly. God dammit. My useless body was not helping me.

Eventually, after walking around the neighborhood for a few hours, I saw a house that looked familiar. I staggered towards it, and knocked on the door.

Lincoln answered the door and was surprised to see me there.

"Oh, hey Cooper. What are you doing here?"

"Who is it?" Link called from the end of the corridor.

"" I called back.

Link bounced off of the couch and ran to the door.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. He poked his head out of the door and looked around. "Where's Rhett?"

"It's just me." I said awkwardly.

"You don't look so good. Come in." Link said.

Just as I took the next step, my legs gave up on me and I stumbled over. Link caught me just before I hit the ground.

"Woah, okay, come on. Let's get you some water." He said, putting one arm around me and helping me to the kitchen.

Christy get me some water as Link helped me onto a chair at the kitchen table. He sent the other kids to bed, considering it was 10pm.

"What happened honey?" Christy asked, sitting down next to me.

I gulped and fought the tears. Link looked really concerned.

"You can tell us. We're on your side." He said.

I told him the entire conversation, from the restaurant to the movie. At the end I burst into tears and he pulled me into a hug.

"'s okay. It's okay." He soothed.

"No, it's not." I sat, pushing myself away. "Everyone hates me. No matter where I go."

"I like you Cooper." Link said.

"And so do I" Christy added.

"Thanks guys." I whispered.

Link hugged me again. "You can stay here tonight. I'll call Rhett and let him know that you're here. He'll probably be freaking out that you're gone."

I bit my lip and looked down at my shoes.

"Hey, I don't blame you for leaving. It's okay. I understand." Link said. He got up and went outside to call Rhett.

I just ruin everything, don't I?

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