Chapter 70: Good Days, Average Days, Bad Days

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It only took a week.

One week for my strength to go, and everything returned to how it was before my break. It was almost like I'd never left, besides the memories.

To make things worse, Nurse Genella was on vacation and wasn't around either. I wasn't really friends with any of the others, and they didn't really seem to be interested in making friends with me either.

My time in the hospital could really be summed up to good days, average days, and terrible days.

I had about 2 good days in a week. These were days where I was awake, I could talk to people without tiring out and actually manage to keep my food down. These were the days that Locke and Shepherd and Lily and Lincoln and Lando would come to visit. And Ruben of course. Abby came too. Those days were my favourite days. The days that just made everything a little bit easier.

Then there were my average days. Probably about 4 days a week. I slept all day, or was too tired to do anything, including watching TV. Rhett and Link would come and sit with me, sometimes tell me stories about what was happening at Mythical Entertainment. Other times they would bring the computer and work on stuff for upcoming episodes, and ask my opinion, even though most times I was too tired to give it.

I had bad days about once a week. Those were the days that I dreaded. The days when everything hurt too much. The days that I needed morphine just to get through the day. Days where I spent most of the time crying because everything hurt so bad.

This particular day was an average day, and Ruben was lying on my bed next to me, running his fingers over the spine of the book in his hands.

"M-Mom said I should come and read to you..." He murmured. "Would you mind? I-I mean, it's just to help me get better because I'm dyslexic and stuff..."

"Go ahead." I murmured sleepily, my head resting on his shoulder. He was so warm, like a hot water bottle, but soft and cuddly too.

He chuckled softly and rubbed my shoulder, before opening the book to the first page and starting to read. I think a fell asleep a couple of times, but I really just enjoyed his presence here.

"Do you want me to go so you can sleep Coops?" Ruben asked softly. "I don't mind."

"I-I'm awake." I murmured. "Don't leave."

"Okay, okay." He chuckled. "I'll stay."

"Keep reading..."

He opened the book and resumed until the book was over. I snuggled closer to him. "You're all warm."

He smiled slightly and kissed the top of my hat. "Do you want me to ask for another blanket so you've got something when I go?"

I shook my head and pointed to my bag. "T-There's one in there."

He leaned over and grabbed it, before tucking it around me. "Better?"

I nodded sleepily. "Thanks."

We just sat there together until Ruben had to go home. He hugged me. "Sleep well Coops. I love you."

"I love you too Rubes."

And then just like that, he was gone. And my hospital room was empty again.

Make a Wish || Rhett and LinkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora