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__0100 hours__

A red light turns green, and a man dressed in a lab coat with dark brown hair that's been greased back is seen.

"I am Doctor John Sterlingson, and I may have just cracked the case of implanting humans with supernatural abilities. Currently, it is 0100 hours and my first five subjects-- I mean, participants-- have arrived. Four males, one female. All of them of differing ages and builds. I plan to begin the trials on the five starting soon." He says, before pausing and looking back something unable to be seen by the camera.

"The five I have, um, selected, are all the age of five or under; Therefore, if something does befall them, no real harm will have been done. So, let me introduce the first supernatural humans." He says, pulling a small list from his pocket.

"First, we have AVI-76826, otherwise known as Avriel. I plan on making Avriel the way to see what's going on all over the world. Next, we have KEV-81637, otherwise known as Kevin. Kevin will be the human computer, without actually being a computer. They are both five. Next, we have SCT-24582, otherwise known as Scott. I plan on making Scott the strength of this group, like the 'superman' of the group. Up next, we have MIT-35935, otherwise known as Mitchell or Mitch. Mitch will be the group's healer, the fastest man on the planet, also a telepathic, to level the playing field a bit. Both Scott and Mitch are four years old. Finally, we have the youngest and the only female in the group, KIT-45753, otherwise known as Kirstin. Now, she will be able to know exactly what the enemy is thinking, and she will always be able to protect the group with the force field ability I will give her." He says, and then folds the list back up, placing back in his pocket.

"That is all for now. And, humanity, I promise you, that this is what you're salvation will be. What it will look like. Soon, the whole world will be able to protect itself. The whole world." He says, and the little green light turns red, and the footage cuts out.

___0600 hours___

Once again, the little red light turns green. This hadn't happened in 11 years.

"This is Doctor Sterlingson, and I have made a discovery about project ZXY. These kids, are not invincible. They have these... glitches or something, in their newfound supernatural powers. Also, as I looked into the five deeper, I've discovered that two, KEV-81637 and KIT-45753, have photographic memories, which means that everything they've heard or seen, they will never forget. I must be more careful. I must make sure that these children do not meet each other until 12 years have passed, and even then, I must be very careful. They must be introduced one at a time. God, I must be more careful. I can't let them, or anyone, find out my true purposes... If anyone does, I'll be screwed." The man says, pounding a fist on the table, before leaning forwards, and turning the cameras off. Letting the little light go from green, to red.

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