Chapter 11 -- Angelina Ballerina

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Bond gave me a doubted look.

"What?" I asked. Did I do something wrong again?

Charlett leaned in my ear and whispered. "It's may I, not can I."

I smiled. "Oh! Okay. Mrs. Bonds, may I be excused from this table?"

"Yes, Miss Hayes. The bus will arrive shortly for you."

I got out of my chair and scooted it in. Then I left to the dorms.

Wow, I've lived at this orphanage for three years and I still can't remember the rules.

Yup. Three years ago, my mom died of some rare disease. I don't remember what it's called and i dont want to remember. Of course, I always have to remember. I can't forget, all because of my stupid scar on my wrist that I got when I was six years old. It reminds me of eveything that's happened to me, before that.

I never really had a father. He left when I was two. But I never cared about him anyway, seeing that he was gone most of my life. When mother died, they tried contacting him, but to my luck, they couldnt reach him. So I was sent here, to an orphanage in Alabama. I made Charlett as a friend, but nobody else really cares about friendships anymore.

I miss my mom. I try not to think of the pain it brings but it's too hard, with my scar and my memories. I just don't think I'm meant for this world anymore.

But since I do have that scar, I know that it won't hurt a bit more just to continue my ballet classes. So I started again. The Head Mistress of the orphanage, Mrs. Bonds, let's me go. She thinks it'll help me adjust to not having a family anymore. But 13 year olds aren't that stupid. I do have a family! They are somewhere out there...

I finally got to my bed in the dorm and got out the tiny box that read, "Angie's Belongings DON'T TOUCH!!!" in green sharpie. I favored blue more but the kids made it run out of ink.

Mrs. Bond had let me take a few belongings from home, but not too many. I just took my ballet shoes, my lucky charm bracelet (from Eve, one of the ballerinas in Illinois, where I used to live), and some shoes and clothes.

I put on my charm bracelet and ballet shoes and changed into my ballet oufit. I was yearning to take a shower, but we couldn't use too much water so showering day was every Wednesdays. I went every Tuesdays, which meant that was the day that I was the stinkiest. But sometimes, Mrs. Balwin let me use her shower if I was truly stinky.

Mrs. Bond walked into the dorm. "Angelina, the bus is here."

She saw that I was struggling with the uniform and came to help me.

"My, my Miss Hayes. We might have to buy you a new uniform sometime. This one is getting too small."

"Oooh! Can we go shopping this weekend?!"

Mrs. Bond laughed. "I don't know. We have to ask the girls first if they all want to go. I can't just fulfill I person's needs."

My scar began to burn. I started scratching it, but the irritation wouldn't stop. I looked at it and noticed something: the scar was changing shape. It morphed into something unbelievable, a mermaid tail. And it seemed to change into the deep color blue.

Mrs. Bond hadn't noticed. "What? Is the scar itching or something? Dont scratch it! That's gonna make it worse." she took hold of my arm and looked at it. But the whole time she stared, not one time did her expression change. She hadn't noticed it at all. "I'll go get some cream for it."

"No Mrs. Bond. It's okay. I have to go to ballet practice, remember?"

"Oh, right. The bus is surely waiting all ready. Goodbye Angelina."

I nodded and walked away from her, leaving her standing in the middle of the room alone.

I ran outside as fast as I could. The bus was not going to wait for much longer.

"Wait Mr! I'm coming!"

I don't know the bus driver's name. All I'm aware of is that it's a guy. So saying Mr. is like the only thing I can think of to substitute a guy's name.

I know the bus hadn't moved yet, but it felt like it had so I kept shouting wait and ran until I got to the door of the bus.

"Good morning Miss Hayes."

"Good morning...sir."

The guy laughed. "You're making me feel old! Call me Tyler."

"Well sorry but you happen to be older than me so... It was a sign of respect for not knowing your name!"

"Well, aren't you gonna come on in the bus?"

I nodded and leapt on. The door closed right after and I quickly made my way to the usual seat. When I got there, I plopped my butt into it and didn't say anything more until we got there.

"Hey! There's that orphan girl again!" Abby Morris shouted. Some of her friends started laughing.

I ignored her. Today, I wanted it to be the best day of my life.

We finally reached the big sign that I got to see every Tuesday, "Ballerina Dancers." Mrs. Balwin wasn't exactly the creative type. She didn't put the letters in a fancy font or decorate the sign or stuff like that. She only put the true words and stuck em on.

I was looking forward to this ballet class. We were going to take field trip today. I couldn't wait to talk to my friend Clara about it! Clara was Mrs. Balwin's daughter. Her and I had become great friends after I moved to Alabama.

Before we arrived, my scar began burning again. I was reaching over to scratch it when the burning spread all over my body. I felt like I was on fire, but clearly, I wasn't. My wrist was burning like crazy.

Sea. I will send you to the sea to live a better life, Angelina.

"What?!" I gasped in shock.

"Something happen, orphan girl?" Abby Morris yelled at me.

"Who said I was talking to you?!" I shot back.

But she ignored me. "I bet she fell asleep and dreamed of her mother. She probably had to witness it all over again!"

My eyes blazed with fury. "Not true! So not true!" I yelled back.

I was about to go straight to her face so I could punch her, but before that could even take place, we were there, and I could see Clara waiting.

I got out of my seat, only to be pushed down by one of Abby's friends, Cameron.

"Sorry bout that." Cameron said. I looked in her eyes and saw something new. I saw sorrow. She was feeling pain, not for me but because something devastating had just happened to her and now she understood how I felt.

"It's okay. Sorry for your loss."

Cameron looked at me in shock. "How did you know?" she whispered.

"I could just read it in your face."

"Oh. Well, I'm over it now."

"Okay." I turned around and walked off the bus.

The good morning air smelled fresh today.

I want to make this the best day of my life, I thought and headed inside with Clara by my side.


Angelina is yet anothr charactr in this book. I really like her personality. I wish I could be like her.

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