Chapter 8 - Blood Test

Start from the beginning

"An eighth or something."

"That's actually pretty awesome."

"It is."

They duo walked out of the hospital with sunglasses on. The paparazzi hounded them asking questions. Jason kept his hand wrapped around Lyndsy's wrist so she wouldn't get lost in the sea of cameras.

Jason was a gentleman and opened the door for his sister. He then got in the car himself. "Do they always hound you?" Lyndsy asked.

"Not always. I first got in eye when I got in a fight with some famous celebrity douchebag in high school."

"You were a high school bad boy?" Lyndsy questioned. The response she got was a nod from her brother. She chuckled, "So, where's your good girl?"

"Obviously not in this state, or city, or country. Probably doesn't exist as of now." Jason replied.

"One day brother, you will fall in love and make an heir to this company."

"Please, a bunch of women out there are gold diggers."

"And I thought I was the most negative one."

"What about you?" Jason asked, "Do I have anyone to interrogate?"

"Wow, only 5 minutes of knowing we are biological brother and sister, and you're already getting protective." She said, "But no, nobody."

Lyndsy had turned on the radio to avoid a silent car ride after the conversation was over.

They got back to building at about 3 o'clock, but they had a few minutes left until the next group came. Jason phone rang when they got to his floor, he answered it, it was Mark.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Why the hell were you at the hospital with that girl?" Mark demanded.

"Test." Jason replied.

"What kind of test?"

"A test determining something."

"If you got an STD...or of you..."

"No, I didn't."

"What about the girl? I'm coming over." A car honked in the background showing Jason that Mark was already on his way over.

"Fine." Jason said and hung up.

"Who were you talking to?" Lyndsy asked once he moved the phone from his ear.


"Mark? Like the one who we knew from our childhood?"


"What?! I thought he left us!" Lyndsy exclaimed.

"He came back a month after the accident from a cruise." Jason explained.

"Oh.." She paused, "When can I meet him?"

"He's coming over right now." Mark and his family were very close friends with the Arscotts, Mark was considered a brother to the 2 children, and his parents were also like family. Jason sat at his computer looking over and finalizing business deals while Lyndsy sat on the sofa in his office that was facing Jason.

"So...I found a drunk guy in the closet." Lyndsy started.

"Was his name by any chance Ryder?" Jason asked looking up from his computer.

"Yup." She replied, popping the 'p'.

"What did you do to him?" Jason asked.

"Just woke him up and snapped a picture of him looking absolutely hungover, though I did contemplate throwing coffee at him and taking his designer shades, but I'm not that mean." Jason rolled his eyes and continued to work.

"Isn't he a part of the rich trio that you are the infamous leader of?" Lyndsy asked, "Mark's the sensible one, you're the leader slash alpha, and Ryder's the bad boy."

Before the conversation could continue Aubrey, Jason's assistant, interrupted, "Mr. Coleman is coming up to see you."

"Thank you Aubrey."

"Thanks Bree!" Lyndsy added before the assistant left, Jason raised his eyebrow.


"I think we'd become friends in the future." Lyndsy said with determination, "But she won't replace Emily."

"Is Emily your best friend?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, we met in like 5th grade."

"That's nice."

"How'd you meet Ryder?" Lyndsy asked with curiosity.

"High school, he was a loner who we befriended. Nothing unrealistic." Lyndsy somehow didn't believe him, it was a gut feeling telling her that he was lying.

"Uh-huh, sure." Lyndsy replied with suspicion in her voice.

The conversation ended when Mark burst into the room, he first noticed Jason looking absolutely calm and work-focused, then the girl who was resting her combat boots on the billionaire's desk.

And then she turned around.

Okay, I don't usually do these author's notes, but this is a special occasion. I hit 100 votes (Well, as of writing this, 108 votes). I hate author's notes on it's own little page, leading me to think my favorite story had updated its content, but noooooo. Anyway, enough of my rant. I would like to thank everyone who had voted, commented, and/or even read a chapter or two. Comment chickenbutt if you are reading this whole note. So, keep on being awesome and vote, comment, or share if you'd like. And don't be rude to anyone!

It is also 2016, January 1st, about midnight as of posting this, so HAPPY NEW YEAR! Stay safe, don't do anything bad, and enjoy life.

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