Big Brother, Train, Date, (2),New Ma, Healing, And More

Start from the beginning

Sniper: Roight.... Next...

@ChikaMC: Um... "2)" ran away because I used him to ask more questions at once ;-; and HEY! I am not on steroids...  I am just stronge in some categories! *Whispers to CBS* Sorry bro for making you go so high... but you asked for it when you wanted to break my bones :P

CBS: *punching my face*

Bell: *knees him in his groin hard*

CBS: *groans and falls off*

All The Men: Ooooh! *holds there groins already feeling the pain just by looking, pained looks on their faces*

Bell: *starts punching him*

CPS: Next...

@CraxyLittleDezz: Scout or Spy can one of take me to see my new ma??please???? *puppy eyes*

Scout & Spy: .......

Scout: *looks at BLU Scout*

BLU Scout: Not mah ma....

Spy: Maybe next time..... Next.

@ILOVECOOKIES222B: Omg Bell! MEDIC DON'T JUST STAND THERE HELP ME HEAL BELL DAMN IIT!! *runs towards the medi-bay to fetch Medi-Gun* HERE! *Throws the Medi-Gun to a random Medic* Waist no time! Go, Go, Go!!! *Grabs CBS and pulls him away from you while one of the Medics started to heal you quickly* Grrr, what the hell were you thiinkiing you dumb bushman bitch!? *Slaps CBS across the face and punching him multiple times in the face*

{Responses} (Oh boy here they come....)

Me: Okay, OKAY! THAT'S ENOUGH! *Grabs you and yanks you off. Throws down my dispenser next to CBS. I smack it with my wrench as I put pressure on his large wound with one hand. The dispenser finishes building and CBS is enveloped in the warm glow of the healing ray* There you go.... *speaks softly, and calmly* Please, try to calm down. *sits CBS up and rubs his back gently, then starts rubbing his shoulders, massaging them to try and keep him calm. I softly whisper calming words into his ear as I do to get him to relax* Are you okay?

ILOVECOOKIES221B: *lands on my back and makes a hiss sound* Me: Ugh, no iim not done wiith him yet. *I growl and crawl over to where you and CBS are sitting* Come back fight, Ii thought you were supposed to bee good at kiilliing? *I laugh as I get int crouch position, I use my left arm to wipe some blood from my knuckles onto my black tanktop.* Hehe ii guess not huh? *I stand up and walk in front of CBS holding out my hand* Sorry for tryiing to kiill you mate. II just lose control sometiimes.

Me: God fucking da- *closes eyes, takes a deep breath, then exhales. I push your hand away* Believe me. He's GREAT at killing. But seriously though, don't do that! He won't only try to kill you, but with all that anger, he's going to kill everyone in this room. So if you'd rather keep everyone in this room in a happy mood, then don't mess with him. Okay? I'd rather he stay here for more questions and dares rather than leave. *hugs CBS from behind, pressing my breasts on his back* I don't want him to leave. And I hate seeing him hurt. *looks up at you with pleading eyes*

ILOVECOOKIES221B: * smile a sad smile and nod walking back to stand next to the RED medic. CBM and Medic both have confused expressions on there faces, not understanding what just happened* Medic: Vhat just happened? * I just smile and waved my hand to dismiss his question and continue to wait for the next set of people to arrive and ask more questions for the guys* My pologiies, liike ii saiid ii tend two bee very purrotective. IIm relly sorry. *I look down at the floor in shame and hate for not being able to control myself.*

MarkipliersGF: Hey, don't be sorry. I'm VERY protective too. But sometimes, you have to stay calm and not do that because it can just make the situation much, much worse. Sometimes, its good to just break up the fight, tend to the injured, calm them down, and try to talk it out or just leave it be. Otherwise, if you think there is no other way, don't hesitate. If need be, especially if you don't know the person, don't hesitate to kill. The hesitation can have great consequences.

{End of Responses} (The rest is just a convo. God my eyes hurt)

Bell: *growls at CBS* I hate you.

CBS: *growls back* Same goes for you ya bloody dingo.

Bell: Asshole.

CBS: Bitch.

Bell: Douchbag asshole.

CBS: Mental bitch.

Bell: Thanks for the compliment, jack ass 🖕🏻.

CBS: *growls* Why you little-

CPS: Next!

@love4music24: *rubs my head* w..weird *covers mouth* I mean uh what are your g..guys skills? *looks at CBS and bell* k..kill d..doesn't count. *steps back*

CBS & Bell: *glares at her* Kill....

Scout: She just said-

CBS & Bell: *death glares at him*

Scout: *shuts up*

RTS: Well...

BTS: What do you thing we all do for skills?

Bell: Next...

@Lugianator: Have any of you lot read fanfiction? And if so, any about yourself? Or yourself and someone else?

Everyone: *gives her a look, a brow raised*

Sniper: What do you think?

Bell: Next.

@ProjectZodiac: *Enters room sees CBS and Bell fighting walks over to them and separates them* I CAME IN HERE TO HAVE FUN AND TALK AND WHAT DO I FIND TO F*CKING GROWN ADULTS ACTING LIKE CHILDREN AND YOU GUYS ARE JUST THE WORST*Points at the others* YOU KNOW WHAT IF YOU ALL WANNA ACT LIKE KIDS THEN BE KIDS! TURNIKUS KIDIKUS.*Everyone turns into kids*Ill come back when everyone has learned to behave themselves**Disappears*

Everyone: ........

Merasmus: *comes back and changes us back and disappears*

Bell: ....... Anyways.... Anymore questions or dares? And I'm sorry for this long update for this ask and dare thing. Been caught up in stuff -cough- Roleplay -cough cough- And yeah.... Anyone wanna.... RP? What am I doing with my life? ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

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