Part D

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Part D ~ People can get so confusing right now.....

It's been exactly one week  AKA 7 days since that corridor incident with that random kisser jerk-yes I did call him that even though Randel thinks its stupid and not insulting enough-anyways, it's been that long but what really made it weirder is that not even once have I seen him in school for the whole week! It almost feels like everything was just my imagination. That thought made me somewhat scared for an unknown reason. 

Sighing, I got off of my motor bike and entered the mansion door without acknowledging any of the house staff that greeted me. I don't know but after not seeing him like for the whole week, it drained me. I was really expecting to meet my random kisser jerk and get a better look at him but all my hopes went flying out the window when until today I still didn't get a glimpse of his shadow and to mention that it's FRIDAY! I mean who doesn't love Fridays? It's like the best day of the whole working week!

I went up straight to my room and dropped myself on the bed. For now, my bed gave me my comfort and the silence of the room gave me peace but then that peace was broken the moment my door banged open. 

"WHAT THE HECK! GET THE FU-" To say that I was shocked is an understatement because seeing the person in front of me right now, I don't think shock is the right word. Standing in front of me was my-the random kisser jerk. He was grinning from ear to ear as he slowly took small steps towards me but not forgetting to close the door. I honestly wanted to scream "Bloody murder!"  but there seemed to be something stuck on my throat since I could barely make any sound and what the heck is happening to my body? Why the heck can't I move from my spot? Am I frozen or something? 

As he got closer, the more handsome he got and.....dangerous. Looking down, not daring to cut our staring contest, he leaned in only a fraction to place a small peck on my lips. "Missed me?" He said in a teasing voice while chuckling a little. I don't know what actually came over me but I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to the bed with me in an intense make out session. 

At first he seemed to have troubles picking up the situation but the moment he has caught on, he took over my sloppy kissing. It was obvious that I was the virgin here since I was REALLY enjoying his kiss. As our body moved in union, I only found myself under him in an instant as he started moving lower-to my neck. It was like my body has a mind of its own and I don't think I would be able to get back the controls sooner.

Enjoying it? I heard Eliza said in a teasing tone. This is all your doing isn't it? I blamed but even before I could continue ranting on her, I felt something poking me on my belly. A little annoyed by it, I untied my hands from this guy's neck and brought my arms on my belly and gripped the thing that was poking me. The moment I gripped it hard, ready to throw it out of our way, I felt it throbbing hard which shocked the life out of me. I heard the guy groan in pleasure but finally coming back to my senses, I used all my might to push him off me. 

"The heck!" I heard him groan when he landed on the floor, butts first. "What-what was that?!" I could have almost faced palmed my face for asking such stupid question but who cares? No one. Nada. The guy looked at me weirdly before his stare became hard and cold. Without saying a word he got up and exited my room. 

Okay, what just happened? 


"WHAT?" I screamed at the top of my lungs the moment my father's words sank into my pretty little brain. "You can't be serious, right? Tell me you're joking Greg! Tell me!" I was already at the edge of breaking down and going crazy. I mean who wouldn't go crazy to the fact the your own father is sending you away to another pack's territory? To make it worse, he sent me to the Moonlight Pack's territory! Does he really hate me that much that he couldn't even stand me inside his house?

The Moonlight Pack is one of the smallest packs found here in our continent but never the least, the strongest and most notorious pack. And the very pack who ruined my life.....

"But why are you sending me there? I mean, you have no right to order me around when Grandpa obviously and clearly told you that I should stay here and not anywhere else! Are you seriously going to try and fight an elder? You've gotta be crazy!" I wasn't going to just shut up and say okay because this is bull! How could he send me away to the very pack that ruined my life? That ruined our life?

 "I told him to." Our attention was turn to the voice coming from the door of my father's office. My grandpa Eland stood there proud and strong even if he looked wrinkled and a little sickly. He wore his usual business look when he's outside his room - without the suit. 

Shock surged through my whole being when his words sunk into my brain. What? He's kidding me right? I mean he knows especially how those heartless people took my mom from us! How they took his DAUGHTER from him! But, "Why?" I whispered more to myself but I knew they all heard me with their wolf hearing ability. "Grandpa, why would you?" I stammered helplessly. I knew that there was already no more escape. I knew that my case was helpless. It was final. They were going to give me away to those heartless bastards. Not wanting to look any more pathetic in front of them, I rushed to the door but not before after hearing my grandfather whisper, "Because it's easier to fix everything this way."

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