Chapter Fifteen - Approval

Start from the beginning

"You're looking in the right place" I smiled

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing here" He returned the smile, flicking his gaze to Duke every few seconds, majority of his attention on me.

I wondered if he had spoken to Callum, and if Callum had told him about what had happened last night.

"Anyway I should get going, I'm supposed to pick a painting up before noon, it was good to see you" Andrè rushed nervously as he smiled, waving at me before he turned and left hurriedly

I felt Duke sigh in relief once he was finally gone, instantly his muscles relaxing

"See, he isn't that bad" I turned back around, dragging Duke with me

"It is when you're me" He weakly smiled down at me.

I rolled my eyes as we continued ahead in the gallery.

For the remainder of our time, Duke's eyes were like a vulture, constantly scanning every room we travelled inside. I was upset that Andrè had set the mood, but it was still quality time with Duke, and that was all that mattered.

An hour or two later, Duke, Jaymi, Riley and I began our leisurely walk back towards the house, just as the sun slowly sunk behind the horizon.

I leaned my head on Duke as we walked, enjoying the time we had together. It was beautiful, perfect and the idea of staying in Paris permanently began to play on my mind.
This was getting serious, way too serious.

As we walked over the brick bridge, I began to feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I moved away from Duke and took back my hand from his. I looked down at the caller ID flashing
I sighed before hitting green and pressing the phone to my ear

"Yes?" I answered

"Rosalie?" A strange new voice spoke, a voice that didn't belong to Callum

I stopped walking, just as Duke, Riley and Jaymi did, all staring at me as they listened to the unknown voice

"Who is this?" I asked

"My name is Bernadette. I'm Callums mother" The female voice introduced

"Why are you calling me?" I asked, not at all afraid

"Callum came to me last night, begging me to change my mind about hunting your friends down" She began, sounding just as bitchy as I had imagined "I turned him down. But I've come up with a little solution alongside my Angel tribe. We need to meet" She continued as I bit my bottom lip

"Why?" I asked, taking charge

"It seems we need to sort something out" She answered immediately

"When?" I asked again as Duke shook his head, rubbing a hand over his face in frustration

"Tonight. The front of the museum, ten o'clock" She demanded

"Fine" I spat back hanging up before she could say another word

"Are you crazy?" Jaymi snapped

"This needs to be done" I answered

"You do realise it's probably an ambush?" Riley eyed me off

"I know" I answered

"They'll use that advantage to take you away and attempt to kill us" Jaymi continued

"Wait" Duke paused, holding a finger up "You know that it's an ambush?" He asked, his eyebrows creasing

I nodded "Yes"

"Then why are you doing it?" Duke continued, confused

"Because I have an ambush too" I smirked as they all stared at me, completely unsure

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