ten ↠ arguments

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timid heart,
hide my scars,
make me stronger
Pentatonix | Water

Scott Hoying's POV

You know what I forgot existed because of the Mitch situation? Work.


So I was approximately 30+ minutes late because I forgot to set my alarm. I basically jolted out of my bed and sprinted to my closet. I need a shower, I told myself. But it's too late now.

I just pulled on some dark gray (but not exactly black) skinny jeans and a regular tshirt that had the word/artist 'Beyoncé' on the front in a small, neat, cursive font.

I ran my fingers through my hair and grabbed my phone, camera and keys. Without thinking, I hurried to the outside and to my car, hoping to get there before 9.

Soon, which wasn't even that long, honestly, I was parked in front of Kaplan's Magazine and I got out in one swift movement. I ushered by Kevin with a small wave as he gave me a stressed look, as if he were sorry for me or something. Is it bad when you're late here?

I immediately went for Avi's office and he seemed to be talking to Kirstie about something very important as I just barged in. Kirstie jumped and put a hand over her heart, "You scared me half to death!"

I sent her an apologetic look, "Sorry. Oh, and sorry I'm late, Avi! I just had a really long night," I frowned slightly, remembering the events of my fast night.

"It's fine. Mitch explained to me why you'd be late or if you never even arrived," he smiled. I pursed my lips, "Okay. Well, I better get going," I mumbled. "Wait!" Avi said, gaining my full attention. I looked at him, waiting. "You guys have a few pictures right?" Avi inquired. I nodded. "You'll need to get the rest by the next two weeks, since Christmas is coming up, along with New Year's. I know it's a short period of time, and you're not exactly on the best terms at the moment, but I didn't make the deadline. I swear, if I did, I'd make it longer just for you two," he said, sadly.

I wanted to sigh, to tell him I couldn't do it, but nonetheless, I gave him a tight smile, nodded, and said, "Don't worry. We'll get it done."

He gave me yet another apologetic look with a small (and what seemed to be, fake) smile, "You might want to start now. Good luck."

I gave another nod, leaving his office with a close of his door and headed to Mitch's. My heartbeat increased, making me more nervous than I anticipated. Calm down, Scott. Just act like nothing happened if he acts that way, I told myself. Act like you're both still good friends.

I knocked three times, hearing a 'shut up' and some shuffling, before I opened the door lightly, surprised at the sight in front of me.

Mitch, and I believe Travis, were both messy and looked like they were lip locked not even ten seconds ago. I felt a pang in my chest as Travis glared at me, and as Mitch stared at me with a surprised and sad look, I took my camera in my hand, shook it, and let a fake smile plaster my face. "We're not done."

He fixed his jacket and glanced at Travis, as his glare that still burned holes in my back quickly faded as he pulled me down to the main entrance where Kevin was located. "Look, Scott—" before he could talk, though, I interrupted him. "What? We have to take photos, remember? Oh, right, forgive me. You were too busy lip-fucking Travis to give a shit," I smiled politely and Kevin seemed to be surprised at my language.

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