three ↠ a waterfall and a confession

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all around,
the wind blows
we would only hold on
to let go
Pentatonix | Lean On

Scott Hoying's POV

Mitch and I's second destination is that waterfall we had previously been to. I don't think Avi would mind if we retook some shots.

I looked at Mitch, curiosity taking over my demeanor. "So, when'd you join Kaplan's Magazine?" I asked, even though that wasn't what took my curiosity. "Uh, about a year ago. Avi and Kirstie are really my only friends because they don't care about what everyone says or if it'd 'ruin' his reputation. People love him, even if we're friends. He offered the job to me when homophobes wouldn't give me any jobs."

I frowned, "That's really stupid. I'm glad Avi isn't homophobic, and I'm guessing Kirstie isn't either?"

He nodded, "Yeah, she isn't... luckily," he added, "But what about your sexuality? What is it?"

I blushed, "Uh, I'm gay."

He smirked, "I could tell."

I gave him a weird look, "How?"

"You may seem straight at first but I automatically knew when you stared at me and the snapback... I've never seen any straight male wear such a thing," he teased. My cheeks became redder, "You're observant."

He sighed but I don't think it was meant to be sadly, "Yeah, sometimes."

We made it to the waterfall and I grinned. The water was completely blue and a bit clear, falling onto some big rocks perfectly. Trees and flowers (pink flowers I don't know the name of to be exact) outlined the entire thing. It made it so much more beautiful. Mitch was chuckling, "So you like this spot, yeah?"

I nodded, "I think I'm gonna be coming here a lot more often."

He smiled, "I'm glad. So let's start taking those pictures."

I nodded, grabbing my camera that was laying on my neck with a strap and started taking some pictures. Surprisingly, they all turned out very pretty and we both approved. "He'll love those. He has a thing for the outside and barbecue."

I laughed, "Barbecue huh? He's a meat fan I'm assuming?"

He chuckled, "You have no idea. I'm like, 99.89% sure he'd trade Kirstie and I for some ribs."

I smiled, "I'm sure that's not true. He may like barbecue and meat but I think his friends are more important."

He shrugged, "Maybe. Who knows?"

I smiled, "Uh, how about that's all for today," I said, noticing the sun was going down the horizon. "Sure, but before we go, we should take some pictures of the sunset. It's super pretty here."

I nodded, "Let's go find a place we can get a better shot."

Mitch grabbed my wrist and began to pull me towards a hill near the fall and pointed, "This spot is good."

I sat down and he joined me. We waited for a while in comfortable silence, "We should start," he said a bit quietly.

I took my camera again, "Yeah, okay."

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