(Goofy Girl) 2.

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When we pulled up to my school, Jaylen and I stepped out and I went to the guidance counselor just to ask for Jaylen's locker and the combination.

"Hi Mrs.Duval I'm Jaylen Lem and I was just asking if I can have my Locker and the  combination for the 10th graders" My brother asked politely.

"Jaylen... Jaylen Lem ..... Ah! Jaylen Lem locker 192 combination 2,6,3,0,1" She said.

"Thank you" Jaylen said.

"Alright your locker is right there in the third hallway and if you need me I made a copy of my schedule for you" I said handing it to him.

"Relax Liah. I should be giving you my schedule if you need me but it's whatever. Just call me when somebody bothers you and I be there" He said then gave me a hug.

"Remember I'm 6 minutes older" he said smirking.

Yes me and Jaylen are Twins.

"Yes whatever I'll see you at lunch Jay"I said.

"Alright One" he said.

"Two nigga" I said and laughed.

"Shut up dumb ass goodbye" he said laughing while walking away.

I walked to my locker and all of a sudden I just felt like skipping. I then started smiling, I just felt really good all of a sudden.

Then I ran into the Caucasian girls that I told you who are total snobs and have white boyfriends even tho there like the only white people in my school.

"Hey Aubry" I said while smiling and giving her a hug.

"Get off of me! Black people these days" she said then all the other girls who I thought where my friends and so did there boyfriends.

But others just stared.

"I'm sorry-" I said before I was cut off.

"Stop being so childish! Omg! We are not even friends with you. Goodbye your dismissed" she said.

I frowned and walked away. I felt embarrassed like really embarrassed. So I walked my way to Math class.

I walked in and went all the way to the back like always. Turns out I forgot my brother is in the same class as me, BRUH I feel so stupid I forgot my guidance counselor put every class we have together. Wow what a waste of printing that schedule I had.

"Ok class we have two new students Vier and Velena" My teacher said.

"So we are just going to take a break this period and the new students will pass by and have a little chat with you guys. Sounds good?" She asked. Everyone nodded there head yes while I just laid my head down knowing nobody was going to come back here.

"Ok" she said. And sat down in her chair starting the work for her next class.

Velena walked towards the back starring at me while Vier walked over to my brother.

"Hey I'm Velena. Not trying to get in your business but where you the girl who those snotty white kids tried to embarrass" she asked.

Sadly I shook my head.

She starred at me one more moment and took out a paper and wrote I'm guessing her number down. She gave me her phone and I looked at her weirdly.

"What do I do with this?" I asked.

"Listen I wanna be friends with you, I just feel like we can be best friends and chill sometimes you seem like a cool person your just shy and a little insecure of yourself"she said and she was right.

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