Explaining (final chapter)

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"What's the first thing you guys want to know?" Xiumin asks, looking at Chen, Lay, Kris and Tao.

"I want to know why you lied about not continuing the sexual relationship with Luhan but continued to do it behind our backs" Chen says. By now Luhan and Xiumin were sitting on the couch while the four others were sitting on chairs in front of them in a confronting matter.

"The thing was, you know that video of Luhan doing it with someone inside the library washroom? That was me. I didn't want you guys knowing that was me and seeing me in that state because it was embarrassing."

"I knew for a fact you all already saw it and I didn't know how I'd face you guys if you knew it was me in the video so I said it wasn't me in the video. By telling you guys it wasn't me in the video, it automatically made you guys think Luhan was doing it with someone else and it pressured me to say I wasn't continuing the sexual relationship I was having with Luhan" Xiumin explains.

"That still doesn't mean it's right for you to lie to us. You could have told us the truth. Xiumin, none of us would have judged you and if you were embarrassed about it, we wouldn't talk about it. You didn't have to lie to us." Kris says, looking at Xiumin seriously.

Chen looked down, rubbing the back of his neck as he says "I guess our whole group should say sorry to Luhan after because...we kind of dissed you a little behind your back because we thought you were cheating on Xiumin."

"A little?" Xiumin repeats, looking at Chen as if he was joking.

"Okay maybe not a little...a lot, but still" Chen says, still rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait, we're not apologizing to him" Lay says, interrupting the conversation.

"What, why?" Chan asks, looking at Lay a little confused.

"I need him to answer something else before I can actually say sorry to him" Lay says in a serious tone.

Luhan deeply sighed, sitting back into the couch saying "what do you want to ask me?" In a tone like he was annoyed and didn't want to answer anything people were asking him.

"I want to know why does Xiumin have scratches and red marks on his wrists. You said you were the cause of it, so fess up... why'd you make Xiumin do that to himself?" Lay asks in a serious tone.

Luhan chuckled a bit, not really wanting to answer that since it would reveal his kink, but the group of boys wouldn't believe him unless he told the truth.

"Why're you laughing, do you think something like this is a joke?!" Chen asks, coming into the conversation and all four boys now had angry expressions on their faces.

"Guys calm down..." Xiumin says in a faint voice, not wanting his friends to get angry.

"So Luhan, tell us" Chen says, waiting for Luhan's answer.

"The handcuffs I put on Xiumin scratched his wrists." Luhan answers.

"handcuffs?" Tao repeats, a little confused.

"You know S&M handcuffs? I put them on him and kept it on for hours. They ended up scratching his wrists since they aren't the 'newest' pair and that's the result." Luhan answers and Xiumin nodded meaning it was right.

"Is that true Xiumin?" Kris asks, looking at Xiumin and Xiumin continued to nod meaning Luhan was telling the truth.

"So you've never harmed yourself because of Luhan?" Lay asks, looking at Xiumin seriously.

"Well..." Xiumin says, looking down and biting his bottom lip.

"So there has been a time you've hurt yourself because of him!?" Lay asks, surprised and angry.

Chen got up, rolling up his sleeves as he says "okay you better be good at fighting Luhan!"

Luhan chuckled as he stood up and says "come at me."

"Guys, hold on!" Xiumin exclaims, getting up himself and standing in between the two of them so they couldn't hit each other.

"Let me at him Xiumin!" Chen exclaims in an angry tone.

"Guys, this happened years ago!" Xiumin exclaims, trying to stop the fight.

"Years? You've only known Luhan since last year though..." Tao asks, looking from Xiumin to Luhan, confused.

Xiumin realized what he had said and covered his mouth as he thought to himself "shit."

"Did you know Luhan before high school?" Kris asks, looking from Xiumin to Luhan and Xuimin looked down in a sigh, slowly nodding.

Chen slowly sat back down and asks "why have you never told us about this?"

"Because....my past is something I want to forget. I thought I'd never see Luhan again and hurt myself because everyone either left or abandoned me. I thought I was better off dead at the time. I use to like Luhan when I was younger but he mysteriously left one day without me knowing. My family found out I was gay and disowned me not too long after." Xiumin explains, holding back tears.

Everyone could tell how upset Xiumin was and Xiumin was holding back all the tears he wanted to let run down his cheeks. "I-I'm...pretty sure if I never met Luhan in grade nine, I for sure would have ended my life. Seeing him again is what kept me going because he was someone who was special from my past." Xiumin explains.

"So it wasn't love at first sight...there was a meaning behind it..." Lay says, looking from Xiumin to Luhan and Xiumin nodded while looking down.

Luhan looked at Xiumin a little surprised, he didn't know Xiumin looked up to him and relied on him so much. He never knew Xiumin loved him that much until he had said that.

Luhan kept looking at Xiumin until he put his hand over Xiumin's and squeezed it.

Everyone saw that and as Lay saw that, he knew Luhan had a good spot inside him.

"Alright, I think we're done here." Lay says, getting up and starting to walk away to leave the apartment to clear his mind.

"Wait Lay, where're you going, what're you talking about 'we're done?!'" Chen asks, confused.

"I don't know if you guys can see it...but I think Luhan's fine for Xiumin. They have history together...in all honesty I thought I was the one who knew Xiumin the best from his broken past...but I was wrong. I think Luhans best for him." Lay then took a long pause, then looking over his shoulder to look at Luhan and says "Luhan...I'm sorry" then turning his head back to the front and leaving the apartment.

"Wait, Lay!" Chen says, getting up and chasing after Lay, along with Kris and Tao going as well.

Once everyone left the apartment, Xiumin looked at Luhan into his eyes and Luhan looked into Xiumin's eyes.

"Did I really...save you?" Luhan asks, looking at Xiumin seriously.

Xiumin looked down a little embarrassed. He was expecting to keep that bottled up forever but he slowly nodded meaning yes it was true.

"Well...I'm glad I saved you" Luhan says in a smirk, wrapping his arm around Xiumin's shoulder and kissing him lightly on the lips.

The kiss Luhan gave Xiumin felt different from the kisses he usually gave him. This kiss wasn't full of lust, and want....this kiss felt like it really came from Luhan's heart, that kiss felt like love.


That was the final chapter guys, this fan fiction is finally complete! I hope you guys enjoyed it! It made me happy reading your comments and seeing that you all enjoyed reading it, it made me happy! I'm not sure if I should make a sequel to this book or not yet, I'm still debating. Thank you for reading and enjoying it, it means a lot to me as the author! (:

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