Locked in

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"What, you can't be serious Luhan, I'm not calling you 'daddy' in front of everyone in our class!" Xiumin exclaims, getting embarrassed now.

"Then I guess I'll have to expose you right here and now." Luhan says in a long dramatic sigh, slowly getting up.

"Alright, alright, I'll do it" Xiumin says, grabbing a hold of the bottom of Luhan's shirt so he couldn't go any further.

Luhan smirked as he turned around and says "good...now do you want to do something while we're here?"

Xiumin shook his head "we can't, this is Kai's house, he's my friend and I don't want to disrespect him and do it in his house without permission." Xiumin says, looking up at Luhan.

Luhan sighed as he says "fine, we won't... But since we're not doing it now, I'll just say tomorrow is going to be fun." Luhan says in a smirk before walking away.

Xiumin sighed as he looked down into his lap and bit his bottom lip.

Not long after Lay came into the room Luhan had left Xiumin in and asks "Xiumin, what did he say to you?"

Xiumin blushed a light pink remembering it and knew he couldn't tell Lay.

"He told me that he was sorry" Xiumin says, making things up on the spot.

"Did you forgive him?" Lay asks.

Xiumin fiddled with his fingers as he says a small "y-yes..."

"Xiumin, you shouldn't have forgave him! I know you like him but I think this is too much. You even go as far as to forgive him when he cheated on you!" Lay exclaims.

"We weren't really dating, so it's not like he cheated on me..." Xiumin faintly says.

"But he's still doing it with you shouldn't he be loyal to one person if he's going to do it with someone?!" Lay asks, a little bit angry now.

Xiumin rubbed Lay's shoulder meaning for him to calm down and Lay took a deep breath out.

"Come on, let's go back and enjoy the rest of the party" Lay says in a smile and Xiumin nodded.

As Xiumin nodded, they both got up and left the room, going to where everyone was dancing.

The rest of the party Xiumin was standing in a corner and watching everyone else dance since he didn't dance much himself and everyone was smiling, laughing and dancing.

The next day everyone went to school and was talking about the party from the previous day.

Everyone who went were talking about it and everyone who didn't go were trying to fit into the conversation bit were failing horribly.

"Thanks for coming to my party yesterday guys" Kai says in a smile, coming up to his group of friends.

"It was fun, thanks for inviting us!" Chen exclaims in a smile.

As everyone was still talking about the party, Luhan then came walking into the room with a girl by his side.

Xiumin looked at Luhan and then looked down at his desk to try and avoid eye contact with him.

"Look who's here guys" Luhan says in a smirk, poking Xiumin on the cheek and Luhan's other friends came up behind him, starting to tease Xiumin as well.

As the group of boys were teasing Xiumin, Luhan ended it off with hitting Xiumin on the side of his head and says in a smirk "stay after school."

"Why?" Xiumin asks, confused.

Daddy Kink (Xiuhan fanfiction 18+)Where stories live. Discover now