Love Is a Delicate Thing Part Six: Bad Wolf Returns (Rose's P.O.V.)

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"Rose." The Doctor whispered, looking into my eyes with so much pain and sorrow. I could see the trails of tears down his cheeks, the blood trails on his mouth, chest and back, sweat gleaming on every inch of his bare skin, pure fear and hurt plastered on his face. He looked so small and weak, nothing like the strong and noble Time Lord I knew. Nothing like the man I fell in love with

Tears started to well up in my eyes as I stared at the Doctor, sobs trying to force their way up my throat. It broke my heart to see him like this. I tried to say something, but my voice was caught in my throat. I tried to swallow it all down, but it was like swallowing an apple whole. Pretty impossible.

"Rose." The Doctor said again, causing my stomach to churn violently. I couldn't take much more of this scene. It was too much for me to bare. 

I dropped my gaze and closed my eyes, trying to rid the image of the Doctor whipped out of my mind, but it was impossible. That horrifying image had burned itself into my memory forever, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I took a deep breath and tried speaking again. I could only think of one thing to say. "I thought you said they weren't as bad as the Daleks."

"Rule Number One:" The Doctor said with a weak sigh. "The Doctor lies."

Tears started to stream down my face. He lied to protect me. The Doctor lied to keep me safe, to reassure me that everything will be okay. How was I supposed to respond to that?

I lifted my face and looked back at the Doctor. He looked pale and weak, barely able to steady his breathing. He even seemed to have thinned even more to an unhealthy amount. It was too much to bare.

I pointed his sonic screwdriver at his chained wrists and let the sound of the sonic screwdriver fill the air again, freeing the Doctor from the chains that held him captive. Once the chains were off, he collapsed onto the floor, still in pain. I rushed over to him, needing to care for his wounds. I only had one thought the entire time I was checking him. Don't die. Don't regenerate. Don't die. Don't regenerate. Don't die. Don't regenerate. His bleeding was worse than I thought, and he had lost a lot of blood. His breathing was shallow and course as if his lungs were collapsing in on themselves. The tears fell off my face at a faster rate as I scanned his body over and over again, realizing I was loosing him. I could tell he was slipping into unconsciousness that he could never wake up from. He was slipping faster than his body could fix him. The Doctor wasn't going to regenerate. He was going to die.

I lifted the Doctor's head and placed it in my lap and started to stroke his soft, brown, spiky hair. I wanted to bury my face into the sea of his hair and wake up to find myself leaning against the Doctor in the TARDIS library on the couch, snuggling up to him while he reads to me with his soothing voice.

"Please. Stay with me, Doctor." I whispered into his ear. "Don't go. Stay with me, please." Tears rolled down my cheeks and fell onto his pale face. What was I going to do? The Doctor was dying and he wasn't going to regenerate, and there was nothing I could do about it. All I could do was make sure he was comfortable when he died. Where was the hope when I needed it most?

Suddenly, I heard the soothing and familiar sound of the wheezing and groaning noise of the most hopeful ship in the word. The TARDIS. I looked in front of me to find the amazing blue box sitting right there, giving me a spark of hope.

"Please." I said to the box. "Help me."

To my surprise, the doors of the TARDIS flew open to reveal a familiar blinding golden light and a familiar female voice filled my mind.

Hello, Rose Tyler. The TARDIS said in my head. It's good to talk to you again.

"Please!" I cried out loud. "Help him! He's dying!"

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