An American Holiday Worth Celebrating (The Doctor's P.O.V.)

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Just as I promised! The Doctor's point of view! Sorry it's a few days late. My TARDIS is glitching again. Enjoy! :D


"Please Doctor? I've never celebrated an American holiday before!"

I sighed. I couldn't keep this act up any longer. She had been pleading me to celebrate Thanksgiving with her for the past half an hour, and each time I can up with an excuse not to celebrate. Just a few more minutes.

I finally met her gaze, hoping with both my hearts that we weren't going to be too early, and said "Alright Rose. Thanksgiving it is."

Rose let out a squeal of delight as she ran around the console at me. She was smiling from ear to ear, the smile that always made my hearts skip a few beats, causing me to smile right back at her. Before, I could do anything, however, Rose hugged me with so much momentum, I lost my balance, and Rose and I fell to the console room floor. We sat up laughing and smiling together. Her laugh was so beautiful, I don't think I could ever live without it.

She looked over at me, and I met her gaze, looking into the depths of her beautiful gems of eyes. We kept locked into each others gaze for a little longer than needed, but I couldn't help it.

I cleared my throat, snapping myself out of my daze an stood, sticking a hand out to help Rose up. She smiled and took my offer, letting me lift her off the floor.  As I turned back to the console, Rose asked me a question.

"Doctor, where are we going to celebrate Thanksgiving?"

I thought about how to answer the question for a few minutes, not wanting to spoil the surprise. Not finding anyway to give her a hint without giving it away, I simply smiled and said "Just wait and see."

Rose frowned slightly, probably wondering where I was going to take her. I couldn't wait to see her face when we landed. She was going to love it.

I saw Rose watched me as I gallivanted around the console, a smile plastered on my face. I was doing what I do best, especially when I saw about to give Rose the best surprise in all of history. I just hoped they were ready for us.

I pulled the final lever, hearing the wonderful groaning of the TARDIS as we landed. With a grin still on my face, I grabbed a coat for Rose and walked over to her, ready to escort her out of the TARDIS. 

"Your coat, madam." I said with over exaggerated amount of politeness in my voice, trying to get her into her best mood for the time of her life.

"Why thank you kind sir." She stood with a smile to accept her coat, but I instead made a motion for her to turn around so I could help her into her coat. She turned around, letting me help her put it on. Every time my fingers touched her bare skin, I could feel shivers run up and down my back. I wanted to pull her into a hug and let my hands just rub up and down her back, letting the feeling continue, but I restrained myself. I had to act professional.

After her coat was on, I stuck out my arm to escort her out of the TARDIS, silently asking her to walk out arm in with me. She gladly accepted, walking to the doors and opening them to-

"Happy Thanksgiving Rose!"

Rose seemed shocked as her arm slipped from mine, stepping out onto the street where her mother and Captain Jack Harkness were waiting with grins on their faces in twenty degree weather with snow littered all over the floor, but not a cloud in the sky.

Rose grinned and turned back at me, pure happiness and delight in her eyes as she hugged me for a second time. "Thank you!" She told me, causing my hearts to fly to my throat.

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