Love Is a Delicate Thing Part One: Wrong Planet (The Doctor's P.O.V.)

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"Why don't we go someplace random?"


"Yes, random." Rose said with a smile. "I want to be surprised for once instead of getting a lecture on the planet we are visiting."

"Lectures?! I do not give lectures! I only give you proper information about the planet that is necessary to know. For example, did you know that the planet Dalicantic is a very kind and peaceful planet? They have a ritual they do everyday where they- "

"Doctor." Rose interrupted with a smile.


"You're doing it."

"Doing what?"

"A lecture." Rose said, giggling slightly.

"I do not give lectures." I said with a slightly defensive tone.

"Yes you do."

"Do not."






"If I were to give you a lecture, maybe I would talk about how some humans are very judgmental and jump to conclusions easily, not giving people like me to defend themselves and tell you how oblivious you are to your own-"



"Now you're being rude."

"Rude? Me?" I pointed to my chest with a slight smile that I clearly failed to hide.

"Yes you." She said, poking me slightly in the chest.

My smile widened as I replied, "Rude and not ginger."

The both of us laughed for a few seconds before I found myself gazing into the depths of her golden brown pools of light that were her eyes, highlighting the gorgeous features of her face. She looked so beautiful without even trying. Part of me wanted to pull her close and just hold her there for all eternity, absorbing all of the things that made Rose, well, Rose, but the other part of me, the rational part of me, knew that Rose and I would never work. A human would never be able to love a Time Lord. It was something the universe frowned upon.

But still...


I blinked a few times, trying to clear my head and focus on the task at hand. "Right." I said, grinning like an idiot. "Random it is!" I reached behind me, gabbed the main lever, and pulled it, yelling, "Allons-y!"

Rose and I were immediately hit with turbulence, and I grabbed the console to prevent myself from falling on my bum. Rose did the same.

The TARDIS groaned as she landed, and then turbulence was gone just as fast as it came. I let go of the console and looked over at Rose, reaching for her hand. She smiled and accepted, lacing her fingers with mine. My entire arm became engulfed in a warm and pleasant sensation that sent my hearts thumping a little faster with every second. I smiled at her as we headed for the TARDIS doors, ready for any adventure we were going headlong into.

I placed my hand on the TARDIS door handle and looked at Rose. "Ready for this?"

"I was born ready."

"Rose Tyler, defender of Earth. Ready for anything." I chuckled.

"That's me." She replied with a smile.

"Well, here we go." I pulled the TARDIS door open, revealing the planet...

"Oh no." I mumbled.

"What is it Doctor?" Rose asked, obviously hearing my mumbling distressful voice.

"We have to leave. Now." I said, closing the door behind me and letting go of Rose's hand, heading back to the console.

"Why?" Rose asked, following me to the console.

"The people here absolutely hate the Time Lords. They aren't as bad as the Daleks, but they are pretty close by comparison." I started to push buttons frantically, trying to leave this planet, but the TARDIS whined in my head, telling me she couldn't take off. I pounded on the console. "Come on!"

"Now what's wrong?"

"She said she can't take off. There is some unrecognizable force keeping her rooted on the planet. Were stuck here." I started to freak out. This couldn't be happening. I can't be stuck on this planet. Of all planets, why did it have to be this one? I started to push buttons and levers left and right, trying to figure out a way to counter the unknown force, but without knowing exactly what it was, I couldn't free the TARDIS. I slammed my fists on the console again, pure frustration and fear flowing through my body. I was so frightened of what the people on this planet could not only to me, but to Rose. If they captured her and harmed her, I would never be able to forgive myself. She was all I had in this universe besides my TARDIS. I would feel incomplete without her.

Rose slowly walked over to me, a worried expression clear on her face. She placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed lightly. "Everything will be okay, Doctor."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "How do you know that?"

"Because," She took her other hand on my cheek and turned my head towards hers. I opened my eyes to find her eyes full of love and hope. "I'm stuck here with you."

Before I could open to my mouth to reply, the TARDIS doors were slammed open and two canisters the size of Earthly water bottles rolled towards us, blood red smoke filling the air. "Run!" I yelled to Rose, but before we could move, the smoke rushed to our faces and the both of us instinctively inhaled, breathing in the foreign smoke. I coughed forcefully, trying to think of a way to rid the smoke from my lungs, but to no prevail. I dropped down to my knees as Rose collapsed on the floor. The smoke seemed to be absorbed into our internal systems. It was only a matter of time before-

"Doctor." Rose said weakly in between coughs. I squinted my eyes to try and see her, but the gas was taking it effect because my vision started to blur. It was becoming more of a task just to breath and try and see, but Rose must have been far worse. She sounded weak and frail, almost to the point of passing out. I tried to move my hand to hers, but my limbs didn't respond. Instead, I fell face first onto the console room floor, my breathing shallow and my consciousness on the brink of blackness. I tried to control any part of my body that I couldn't but even my thoughts started to become a blur. I couldn't do anything.

Then the world became engulfed into darkness.

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