Love Is a Delicate Thing Part Three: The Torture Begins (The Doctor's P.O.V.)

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I had woken up in a dark and musty room bounded to the wall by my wrists with heavy shackles that dug deeply into my skin. My brown, pin-striped jacket, white dress shirt, and maroon tie had been removed so my upper body was bare. I knew exactly the reason why. They were going to whip me for my crimes.

But they're not even yours. Part of me thought. Why should you have to suffer the pain of your fallen species?

Because you are the last of your kind. The other part of me countered. You represent all of what has been done to these people by your own kind. You remind them of all that the have suffered through, and now you will feel their pain.

I sighed, giving up on trying to argue with myself. I had to instead try and figure out a way to free myself and Rose unharmed, but I knew that was hopeless. These people were merciless and would stop at nothing to seek revenge on their fallen. They would commit a thousand genocides just to justify one. They would destroy hundreds of galaxies if it meant their survival. They could kill me all they wanted, but if they even thought of harming a single microscopic cell in Rose's body, they would have to face the wrath of the Oncoming Storm, and their will be no survivors.

In front of me, what I thought was a solid wall of concrete rippled like the surface of water after throwing a stone into it. After a second or two, two figures walked through the wall. The room was pitch back, but I still knew what they looked like. As children, Time Lords had been given descriptions of these creatures in every single detail until memorized. They were seven foot tall exactly, pale, black soulless eyes, Voldemort-like nose, unnatural sharp teeth, long black hair tied back into the exact same ponytail, sharp four-inch long fingernails, black suit, black tie, back dress shoes, and a spine-tingling deep voice that would scare even a Dalek into retreating to safety.

"Well, well, well." One of the creatures said as he approached me. "Look what we have here." I heard a snap of fingers and lights lit up the room from an unknown source. I glanced up at the two creatures standing front to me and immediately wished for the lights to turn back off. The faces alone would give even the foulest creatures nightmares for all eternity. I was as good as dead.

"A Time Lord." The other one responded, bringing out a pen-sized silver rod from his pocket. It immediately grew until he was holding a metal rod a foot long. The creature flicked its wrist, and red electrical rope-like material four feet long sprang from the front end of the rod, letting out a slight hum that echoed inside my head. "I haven't seen one of them in a long time."

"My people don't get around much." I said, dropping my gaze to the concrete floor. I had to keep my bearings if I wanted to get out of this alive-which I had a very slim chance of doing since these creatures hate every single cell in my body-and see Rose's beautiful face again. What would I give to be with her back in the TARDIS, sitting close together in the library reading our own books, yet communicating through smiles and laughter.

"No, I suppose not," The creature without the whip said, bending down to look me straight in the eye. "considering you murdered every single one of them in the Time War, yet sparing your own pathetic life to run about the universe with their blood on your hands, not caring in the least that their lives were taken from them for nothing."

I felt the very pit of my stomach lurch at the last statement. Yes, I had taken their lives for nothing, but I live with the guilt of committing genocide on my own people every single day of my lives, never being able to go back and fix my mistake. Nothing I have ever done, do, or will do will ever change that. I didn't say a word.

"Oh, struck a cord have we?" The creature with the whip said, breaking the silence. I continued to look the one bent down on front of my in its eyes, telling it I had no fear of them, even though on the inside I was terrified.

The creature staring me in the face smiled a very wide grin, exposing all of its unnaturally sharpened teeth, and stood next to its counterpart. "We can begin."

The other creature smiled a very evil smile, a smile that showed no mercy as he brought the whip closer to my body. The hum in my head grew louder, longing for contact with my skin. I knew it was only a matter of seconds before it got its wish. Sure enough, the creature flicked its wrist and I felt the whip bit harshly onto my back, the pain alone from the initial hit almost causing me to black out. I cried out through gritted teeth, trying to control my shallow breathing. The pain that was throbbing throughout my back stung not only because of the whip, but because of the painful electrifying pulse it sent throughout my nervous system, causing my body to tremor slightly uncontrollably before it subdued.

"Now that you've gotten a taste of the pain you will experience physically, let's add some emotional pain to the list. I would love to see you suffer at our hand." The creature standing directly in front of my sad, its hands behind its back and the same evil grin plastered on its face as the creature with the whip standing at my side. "Any last words before the real fun begins?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Yes." I said through gritted teeth before I opened my eyes and looked the creature in front of my straight in its soulless black eyes and growled, "If you ever harm a single microscopic cell in Rose's body, I will make you wish you had a Hell to go to, because the place I will send you will make you wish you were dead."

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