The Five Most Important Words in the Universe (The Doctor's P.O.V.)

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"No! You can't! Stop! Rose, stop!" I shouted, my hearts pumping so fast, I thought they would give out. "Rose, NO!" I was running, running to Rose with all of my effort, but I was moving in slow motion. She was about to jump, and I had to stop her before-

"It's too late Doctor. I'm already gone." Rose looked at me with a dead expression on her face, and jumped over the edge of the cliff.

"NO!" I screamed, finally breaking free of the invisible force holding me back, and ran to the edge, watching Rose slowly free fall to her doom, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"It will happen one day, Doctor." A deep voice whispered into my ear, sending shivers running down my spine. "Her fate is inevitable. Rose Tyler is doomed to fall at your hand in the time she will need you most. Her death is time locked, and no amount of running will change that."

Laughter filled the air as I watched Rose Tyler's body hit the ground below with a sickening thump, blood pooling around her now lifeless body, her face full of disappointment and hurt.

"Why, Doctor? Why couldn't you save me? Why did you let me die?" Rose's voice said over the laughter, the hurt clear in her voice. My hearts crumpled at every word.

"No! Stop! No more!" I yelled, covering my ears with my hands. I couldn't bare the sound of Rose's voice with all of the pain laced into her voice. I failed her, and now I was suffering the consequences.


No. No more.


Please! No more!


I sat up sweating and panting, hearing a slight ringing in my ears from the laughter and shouting. 'It was all just a dream.' I thought. 'A really bad dream.'

"Doctor? Are you okay?"

I jumped slightly at the sound of Rose's voice, the things she had said to me in my dream still ringing in my head. I looked over at her, concern dominating over any emotion flowing through her mind. Her face was so pink, so full of life, the complete opposite of what I saw in the dream. A face was so pale, so lifeless, so dead.

I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands, trying to clear my mind. I couldn't fill my thoughts with those horrid images. I couldn't view Rose like that. She wasn't dead. She didn't jump off the edge of a cliff. She didn't blame me for her death (even though she didn't actually die). Everything was still the the way it was. Rose was still with me in the TARDIS, still traveling together, still together.

As I calmed down, I started to look around to see where we were. There were round things on the walls in hexagons, tree-like columns supporting the ceiling, the familiar hum of the console ringing in my ears, the slight blue glow from the console, and the metal floor of my favorite room in the TARDIS. I relaxed. We were in the console room. I must have been flying the ship when I dozed off, but how did I fall asleep? I'm a Time Lord. I sleep three times less than the average human, not needing the rest to receive the energy for the day. I, of all species, shouldn't be passing out left and right, but why did I?

"Rose, what happened?"

"I don't know. You were fine when I left to  go to my room quickly, but when I returned, you were on the floor, tossing and turning, mumbling 'No more.' over and over again. It..." Tears started to form in her eyes and her lower lip started to quiver slightly, a look of fear flashing through her eyes. I could tell she was on the verge of crying. "It was terrifying. I tried to wake you up for half-an-hour before you finally responded. All I could do was say your name." The tears fell from her face in a river of sadness that she could not control, causing my hearts to ache. I lifted a hand to her face and gently wiped away the flow of tears with my thumb., though it had no prevail. The tears continued to fall down her face, and I couldn't do a thing to stop it.

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