Chapter 5

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It was quiet in the car. I somehow recognised 'Demi'. She asked me to call her that if I liked. We went by the Apple Store and Demi brought me a new phone! It was a iPhone 6 Plus and it had unlimited 3G, and 64 mega bites.
The car drove into the long driveway(it was a very nice car.) at the biggest house I have ever seen. It has wood painted blue on the walls and white window frames and the door frame too was painted white.
She opened the car door for me, pretending and acting like a chauffeur. She pulled a funny face and we laughed together. Then I realised, that was the first time I have laughed in a long time. It felt amazing. We clambered into the house still laughing and Demi toured me round the mansion. I could either have a bedroom to myself or share a bed with Demi. I decided on sharing a bed with her and the room lit up with her smile.
We watched a loads of episodes of 'Sonny with a chance' and I snuggle up with her.
She brought me a new pair of pyjamas also and they are really comfy.
I am so happy!

Adopted by Demi LovatoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang