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The door flings open and Louis sits there sipping on his 15th beer since Harry left. He's been chugging them down. Niall rips off his sunglasses and he stares at Louis, he has a smug look on his face and Niall wants to slap him, but hitting won't do anything. He's hiding behind his anger, Louis does that all the time, he's not good with emotions.

Niall grabs the cases of beers and Louis shakes his head and chuckles, "if you really like Harry just ask him out.." Louis laughs and looks up. His mouth says one thing but his eyes say another.. Niall says in his head. He just smiles and gets off the couch. "Have one of you like, I'm done for the day" Louis stumbles out of the living room and down the hall.

Louis walks into his room, slams the door, and covers his face. Louis' eyes start watering but he shakes it off. He needs a shower, Louis feels gross and he need something to get off his mind. Louis grabs black sweats and a white tee, he then grabs boxers and leaves the room. Louis walks down the hall and in to the bathroom to start the shower.

Louis shuts the door behind him and sighs, the mirror start to fog up instantly. Louis undresses, once he drops his jeans a loud thud hits the floor. Louis grabs them and checks the pockets, in his back pocket he pulls out his phone. For a good minute, Louis stares down at the object in his hand, before putting it down and continuing to get undress for the shower.

Louis steps into the shower and I'm seconds his tense muscles relax and the hot water soothes him. His head hangs down, as he rethinks everything over once again. Louis does this a lot, it gets him down though, but nothing he's not use to.

Louis grabs the shampoo and rubs his hair from his roots out, then repeating the process with conditioner. He sighs as he turns the shower off and gets out, wrapping the towel around his waist and grabbing his shirt. Louis pulls that over his head, it getting wet from his back to to the fact he didn't dry his hair and torso. He drys the rest of himself off and continues getting dressed.

His clothes hang off of him due to his petite size.

Harry sits up and sighs, he must off fell asleep when he got home. Harry gets off the bed and grabs his phone on the dresser across the room from him. Harry turns his phone on to receive no texts or phone calls. 'I guess Louis doesn't care about me..' Harry thinks to himself. 'Not even a pathetic sorry..'

Harry walks to the door and opens it. The smell of steak fill the halls.

'Mums home!' Harry rushes down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"Mum, I'm so glad you're he-" Harry's eyes widen at the sight of Maddi over the stove.

"Harry dear, how was your nap?" Her voice seeping through Harry's ears, making him shiver. She's so fake.

"Fine.." Harry leaves the kitchen and plops himself on the couch where Robin use to be passed out.

"Oh Harry, I guess we both were tired," Robin walks in with a tie and suit on, obviously his drunk state has worn off. Robin smiles, "found myself asleep on the couch.." Robin gives him a warning look, basically tell Harry to shut his mouth and not say a word about his drinking.

Harry chuckles a fake laugh, "I guess so, hey dad.." Harry glares at him. He never should've let Robin boss him around like that, and abuse him like he did. It makes it seem like Harry is weak, and at this point Harry is weak, he can't let leave his family; that makes him weak enough.

The Sinners- Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now