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Louis rolls over, his face right in front of Harry's he jumps up and looks at the 16 year old boy. His brown mop of hair laid across the pillow like a halo, his mouth slightly open, and he's curled up in a ball. Sweat drips down from his forehead and Louis without thinking, wipes the bead of sweat off of the boy, making his eyes flicker open.

Harry jumps out of the bed and stares at Louis.

"Wh-what happened?!" Harry frantically yells.

"where'd you even get that sweater vest?" Louis ignores Harry's question. Louis distinctly remembers Harry only had on Louis white shirt and his khakis.

"I went and got it from Zayn's car, I was cold. You never Answered my question.." Harry responds. Louis rolls his eyes, he tells Harry that nothing happened as far as he can remember. Harry can't remember crying in front of Louis but Louis can. Louis doesn't bring it up, for Harry's sake.

"anyways, you can leave now church boy.." Louis says and Harry jumps and dashes to get his stuff. He throws on his vest and shoes, grabs his jacket and rushes out of there. Once Harry closes the door he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Harry regrets contacting the number he found in his wallet in the first place. If he would've been more thoughtful this whole thing would've never happened.

Harry slides down the door and covers his face. Harry sniffles back the tears and uncovers his face. If only he wouldn't have agreed to go to this party, now cause of it he's missing school and he's never missed a day of school. Harry stands back up and walks over and around the passed out body's. Once he makes it down the hall he walks down the stairs and to the kitchen. Harry opens the cupboard and grabs a pink plastic cup, also known as the only cup clean.

"Harry? Can we talk?" a voice says from behind him and he spins around, only to find Louis in only black jeans.

"No, I don't want to talk to you.." Harry says confidently. He could care less about Louis, to be honest. Harry turns back around and turns the tap on.

"I just wanted to say that if we ever see each other anywhere else we don't know each other okay? I can't even for a moment let people think we're friends," Louis sighs. Harry can't help but to be hurt, Harry's not that bad once you get to know him. He knows he's like really super religious and stuff but come on, "Just because I let you sleep in my bed with me once doesn't mean we're friends."

"I know." Harry puts the cup under the running water and chugs the glass down before turning it off and placing the cup down and sighing.

"Harry, ready to go?"

Harry turns around fast and Zayn's standing there with a disturbed look on his face. Nodding Harry looks at Louis who rolls his eyes and walks away. "yeah, let's go.."

Harry's head is pounding and he can't wait to get as far away from Louis as possible. Sure he did want to be Louis' friend but that was until he found out what he's really like. Louis is a self centered ass hole who only cares about his feelings and not others. If Harry and Louis did end up being friends Harry would still despise him, knowing how rude he is.

Once Zayn and Harry get in the car Zayn looks at Harry.

"Are you having forbidden sex with, with, with it?" Zayns voice is clear with discussed. Harry gasps and shakes his head.

"No?! What made you think THAT?" Harry's stomach turns. What if Zayn really does know that Harry's gay? Then he goes and tells Anne and Robin? Harry won't hear the end of it then.

"I over heard you and Louis' conversation. You slept with him."

"No! he let me sleep in his bed! there was no where else for me to sleep and he let me! I don't know why you'd think of me that way?" Harry rambles. He tells Zayn to just leave it. Zayn gives him a look but doesn't carry the conversation on any longer.

Once they get to Zayns house his parents aren't home cause they work all day until 12:30 at night. Which causes Harry and Zayn to be off the hook and their lie to be successful.

"did you have fun last night at least?" Zayn asks and Harry nods. To be honest, Harry didn't have fun at all. drinking and partying isn't as fun as everyone makes it out to be.

"Did you see Maddi?" Harry nods and sighs. He has to break up with her, he's just not happy with her and will never be. As sad as it sounds.

"Zayn, Are you going to leave soon?" Harry asks. Zayn was leaving. Moving to some place. His parents think it's the best way. Zayns parents found out recently about Zayn smoking weed and they think the best way to get him better is to move and lose all contact with anyone in this small town.

"Yeah, in a week." Zayn sighs, "I'm going to go and sleep off my hangover." Zayn walks up the stairs, shortly after the sound of his door shutting.

Harry sighs and goes to grab Advil. His head is still pounding. He takes the Advil with a glass of water and lays on the couch. might as well sleep a little longer.

Harry slowly but eventually drifts into a sleep, dreaming of Louis, and how maybe Harry and Louis could possibly maybe be friends in the distant future. Maybe.

Louis drives home in silence. His mind is full of green eyes and curly hair. He can't shake Harry out of his head, no matter how hard he try's he's always in the back of Louis' mind. Sighing he pulls into his drive way.

Louis took Niall's car cause he doesn't have one. Throwing the keys on the coffee table Louis flops on his couch. He pulls out his phone and texts the contact name named 'Harry:)'. Louis did that when he was drunk probably. Shaking his head Louis changes it to 'Church Boy:/' and nods. Louis stomach flips when he thinks back to when he was half asleep. Harry's voice fills his head, the words 'Goodnight Sinner' replay over and over on repeat in his head.

"What is wrong with me?" Louis says to him self and sends a cheeky little "hi" to Harry before turning on the t.v and decides to watch 'The X-Factor'. A rerun plays, Louis seen this one to many times.

Louis turns his phone on and sighs when he see no reply from Harry. He rolls his eyes. "Who need a reply from you anyways.." Louis sighs loudly and continues watching the show.

The Sinners- Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now