Chapter 15 (It's All in the Timing)

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"I think my feelings are clear. I know who I want to be with."

Kathryn's mouth slightly opened as she listened to Daniel speak everything to her in detail. She literally had no idea what to say. At that time, she was still dating Kit; and he picked her up after the fan-meet. That was the boy she was kissing; but he didn't have to know that.

Most people probably would've gotten creeped out that Daniel remembered so many details from one certain day; a fan-meeting to be exact.

But Kathryn didn't. If anything, she was more flattered.

The fact that Daniel Padilla, Robin Padilla's heartthrob nephew and breakout actor, remembered meeting her; that was more than a fan could ever ask for.

And now here she was, sitting in her room with the guy she idolized; having a conversation as if they were close friends.

Kathryn couldn't help but just fall in love with Daniel's presence more and more.

Daniel sighed, letting out a nervous laugh; "I probably just creeped you out with that descriptive story huh?"

Kathryn gave him a soft smile back, sitting and patting the spot beside her on her bed for him to sit down; "That was actually kind of, cute."

"Cute?" Daniel repeated, sitting next to her; "How so?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "It's just amazing to think that the person you fangirl over can actually remember your face out of millions of fans. I'm honestly thankful because if it wasn't for you guys; I don't know how far I would've made it."

Daniel smiled at her; loving how her words flowed out of her mouth.

He's heard those lines from thousands of other fans before; but when Kathryn said it, it truly hit him. They had the power to save people's lives; and Kathryn was an example of that.

It wasn't like he was talking to a fan anymore; but more like a friend who he was able to protect through the tough times and share the happy moments with. He never wanted to leave her side.

"Kathryn," Daniel quietly said.

She perked up, raising her eyebrows; "Yeah?"

Daniel looked down at her bed sheet; countless thoughts running through his mind.

I've never felt so confident about my feelings before; I need to do this before I regret it.

"There's just something that's been in my head for awhile." Daniel told her; suddenly becoming serious.

Kathryn looked at him with the same serious face, "What is it?"

After a deep breath, Daniel began to speak again; "I know you and I haven't known each other for a long time; we've also only exchanged few words with each other."

Her eyes slightly widened, hearing the nervousness in the tone of his voice. Is this really happening right now?

"Before I say anything else, Liza and I aren't dating anymore. Well, we are, but only because the company. My feelings for her have left and I have never been so sure about something before." Daniel paused again.

Kathryn leaned forward, anticipating what he was going to say.

"Kathryn," Daniel began, "I-"

"KATHRYN BERNARDO! I told you to close the pantry doors after you-" Devon opened up Kathryn's door, only to stop in the middle of her little rant.

Daniel & Kathryn both stood up right away; Daniel backing away awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh," Devon pursed her lips, "Nice to see you Daniel."

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