Chapter 7 (It Can't Be)

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"I've never seen someone so worried, scared, jealous, mad; all at the same time."

After filming was over, the cast and crew began to pack up after a long day.

Derek Cathy walked towards the cast, smiling in satisfaction, "Once again, I'm so proud to be working with such a stellar cast. You all have done the best you could and tomorrow, we'll be reading the comments on episode 2."

"Yay!" Julia jumped, surprising Khalil, who had his arms wrapped around her waist from behind.

Kathryn laughed, she loved how childish Julia is; she was a big ball of sunshine.

"You all are free to leave." Direk Cathy said, looking at Kathryn, "Except I want to talk to you."

Kathryn looked at Alex, "I'll just hitch a ride home, you don't need to stay."

He looked at his watch, "I would ignore that and stay; but I have a song to record." Alex pouted, "Text me later."

"Of course." Kathryn smiled, kissing his cheek.

Daniel & Liza began walking away, but he heard his name being called.

"I want to talk to you too Daniel." Derek Cathy ordered.

Daniel nodded his head, giving Liza a quick peck to the lips, "I'll call you tonight."

She glared at Kathryn, but kissed Daniel again, "You better babe."

Once she was out the door, Daniel walked towards Direk Cathy & Kathryn.

They were now the only three left.

"Look, I don't know what went on between you two; but I don't like it." Derek Catchy crossed her arms over her chest.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Both Daniel & Kathryn stuttered, clearly avoiding eye contact again.

Derek Catchy shook her head, "That's what I'm talking about. You guys can't even look at each other."

Kathryn pulled her cardigan around her body tighter, staring at the ground, "It's nothing."

Derek Catchy pointed at the empty room behind them, "I'm not letting either of you leave until you two fix whatever happened between you two. Now go."

Derek Catchy pushed them both into the room, going off into his own office until both of them spoke everything through.


Daniel & Kathryn stared at opposite walls, not saying a word to each other for what seemed to be almost 10 minutes.

But Daniel decided to be the bigger man and speak up first, "Nothing happened between you and I; if that's what you're wondering."

Kathryn slowly turned around, looking up into his brown eyes.

"N-nothing at all?"

Daniel sighed, he might as well just tell her now that they were alone, "Okay, I didn't do anything. But you sure as hell are a mess when you're drunk."

She bit her bottom lip in embarrassment, "God damnit."

He chuckled at her sudden cursing, "But I'm sure Diego was drunk as well; so he probably doesn't remember anything."

"Diego?! What the hell did I do with Diego?!" Kathryn exclaimed, not knowing how exactly to react.

Daniel grabbed Kathryn's shoulders and sat her down, "You should probably calm down. I'll explain everything from what you probably don't remember."

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