Chapter 9 (Conflicted)

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"I barely can go a couple hours without seeing her, or at least hearing her voice."

After hanging out with Kiko for a little bit, Kathryn promised another date with Alex.

This time, they took a walk to the park and had some ice cream.

Simple, yet adorable.

But throughout their entire date, the only thing on her mind was Daniel & Kiko.

She still couldn't grasp her mind around everything.

Alex stared at her, smiling, "I really appreciate the chances you've been giving me to prove my worth to you."

Kathryn turned to face him, smiling back at him, "I'm really happy you've made my time worth it; you're a great guy Alex."

"I was wondering," Alex fiddled with his fingers, "What are we to each other now? I mean, we've kind of been going on dates for almost 2 months now."

Kathryn sighed, thinking back to what all her friends have told her.

"If Alex makes you happy, let him. You deserve to have someone love you the way he does."

"Alex's a great guy and it's obvious how much he cares for you."

After listing all of Alex's positive qualities in her head, Daniel popped into her mind.

Daniel & I would never happen anyways. He has Liza.

Kathryn looked deeply into Alex's eyes; sincerity flooding right out of him.

"What do you want us to be?" She teased.

Alex's face lit up, he grabbed her hands and pulled them closer to his face; "Kathryn Bernardo, will you be my girlfriend?"

Kathryn felt the warmness in his touch; the kindness in his voice.

Kathryn, it's time for you to be happy. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend Alexander Diaz."

"Yes!" Alex jumped off the bench; screaming in joy.

A couple of his fans witnessed the scene and some stayed because of how adorable it was; but those who were upset, left them alone.

Kathryn covered her mouth and giggled, "Alex, quit being so embarrassing!"

Alex lifted her up off the bench, wrapping his arms around the back of her waist; looking into her eyes, "You do not understand how happy you've made me today."

"I'm happy too." Kathryn smiled at him, hugging him back.

Alex's hands slowly crept up to her face; he leaned in slowly.

Kathryn was hesitant, but she leaned as well.

And when their lips touched, Alex became even happier than he already was.

But for Kathryn, the only thing that was still on her mind was Daniel.

She hated feeling like this; but she hoped that Alex would help her keep him off her mind.


"I don't quite understand, I thought your guys' relationship was going well." Mr. M narrowed his eyes, trying to sink in what Daniel was trying to explain.

Daniel took another deep breath, "Liza & I were fine at first, but I don't think I can continue our relationship any longer."

Liza rolled her eyes, still yet to have said a word throughout their entire time in his office.

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