Chapter 1

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Colbies POV:

    "You never really know whats yours until you lose it. When I was younger, thats what my parents would always tell me. Most people could say I had a perfect childhood. I grew up with both of my parents and they were always happy together." My lips froze after I let the last word out. I crossed my arms tightly and lifted my leg behind me so I could prop it up on the brick wall that I was standing in front of.

The social worker clenched her clipboard closer to her side and placed a hand on my shoulder, "Colbie, why don't you come inside. There are plenty of teens your age there that can keep you comfy until your guardian picks you up," she started for the door not stopping until she reached the handle. "You don't want to catch a cold out here, Miss Gehler." Without  looking back at me, she stepped into the building as the door shut behind her.

After a minute or two of standing out in the mid November cold, I budged and slowly dragged my feet to the entrance. I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my leather bomber jacket as I kicked the ground every-so often with my navy blue Converses. The door let in a warm breeze that hit my face, unlocking my mouth and allowing me to blink more. To my surprise there was only a few kids in the waiting room. But there was another glass door similar to the one that I came in that had a few people in it. I slipped my arms out of my jacket while I made my way in the direction of the door.

Some of the people were sitting around on the few couches that were in the room. Other kids were eating and the rest were watching TV. I assumed that this was the place that they hung out at. "I haven't seen you around here before," a guy sitting in one of the chairs said, standing up. He was a few inches taller than I was and had dark brown, curly hair.

"I'm just waiting for someone to pick me up." I responded. Talking to people wasn't my forte.

A little girl that looked like him, grabbed his hand as he was about to talk. "I'm Jared." He extended his hand out to me. In return, I accepted his hand shake. "And this is my little sister, Maddie." She shyly tried to hide behing Jared.

"Well aren't you the cutest little girl," bending down, I patted her on the head causing her to smile. "I'm Colbie."

The same social worker that was talking to me earlier walked into the room. "Well I see you decided to come inside." She handed me a styrofoam cup, "coffee?" I nodded and grabbed the cup. "Why don't you come with me and I'll get you settled."

Instead of following her I started to back towards the door. "What do you mean, settled?" Sitting the coffee down, I began to put my jacket back on. "I thought someone was coming for me?" My voice started to get louder and people started to look at me.

"Miss Gehler, please just come with me," she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room to a long hallway.

"Are you going to tell me whats going on, or are you just going to pretend that someone's out there coming to get me." I slowly slide my back down the white wall, hitting the ground hard and with a thump.

She stared at the wall infront of her, "there was a mix up. Aparently the person that wanted to adopt you, wanted someone else."

"How does that happen? I don't want to stay here!" I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. "Isn't there anyone I'm related to that can get me?"

A small sigh came from her mouth, "There was only one person that was eligable to have you, but we couldn't get in contact with them." She held a hand up, to stop me from talking. "But until we can, you will be staying here with us."

I stood up and brushed my jeans off quickly, "well who is it?"

As she began to take a step to lead me to the rooms, she turned around, "you have a brother."

"I'm an only child." I started to follow her.

The next morning, I woke up thinking that everything that just happened, was a dream. I thought that someone had picked me up and I was to the place that I would call home for a few years. The other girls that slept in the room that I did, were still asleep. I was already dressed in dark skinny jeans and a green tee shirt. Then there was a knock at the door. "Colbie," the door started to open slightly, "are you up?"

"Jared? What are you doing here?" I hustled over to him and closed the door behind me as I walked into the hallway.

He held up his wallet. "Are you hungry? The breakfast here bites." He chuckled.

It seemed that he was still in his pajamas and that he didn't brush his hair. But it was cute, since he wore spiderman pants and his hair was everywhere. "Are you even allowed to leave?"

He shrugged, "no. But no one will know."

Skyler's POV:

    "Look who's finally up." Abby said as I walked into the kitchen. She was wearing one of my teeshirts and had her hair slung into a sloppy bun on the top of her head. "I thought I was going to have to wake you up."

When I got to her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pecked her on the lips. "I would've enjoyed that more than Wrigley doing that." I pointed to my german shepard who was sitting on the couch.

"What time are you leaving, Skyler?" Kaded, my roomate, asked as he sat down at the bar in the kitchen.

"It depends on what time Abigal wants to leave," I put an arm around my girlfriend of almost 3 years.

She rolled her eyes and opened the fridge door, "oh, some woman from Ohio called, asking if you knew who a Colbie Gehler is. She left a message a few days ago."

Colbie Gehler? "I don't know who that is." I quickly said.

"Maybe shes like a cousin or something." Kaden said in the middle of crunching Frosted Flakes in his mouth.

"Lets leave around noon." Abby said as she walked out of the kitchen.

As Wrigley and I walked down the stairs of the large condo we lived in, Kaden helped me carry bags down to the garage. "So where exactly are you guys going again?"

"Ohio, to meet with some people about my Dad." We were almost at the ground floor.

Kaden was shortly behind me, "why didn't we use the elavator?" He paused, "wait Ohio? Didn't Abby say someone called from Ohio?"

He was right. "Yeah, she did. But I doubt it has anything to do with it. All they want was to go over his will with me. I guess I was in it. He was a worthless piece of crap."

"You sure don't like him." Kaden handed me a suitcase for me to lift into the truck.

I hit him in the shoulder, "duh. Of course I don't. He walked out on my mom and I when I was a baby." After we had the last bag in the car, Kaden and I headed for the building to go make sure Abby was ready. "Dogs aren't supposed to be in the elavators, remember. Wrigley is actually to big to live here, but I worked it out." I bent down and pet my two year old dog as he walked beside me up the stairs.

"Are you taking him with you?" He said.

We didn't live to far up from the ground floor, we were only on the third floor. "Who Wrigley? No. I wasn't even going to take Abby. But she wanted to see where I grew up."

"But didn't you grow up here, in Flordia?" He opened the door and let Wrigley and I in first. Then closed the door behind us all.

Abby was on the phone with someone, "no, I lived here since about five years ago."

"Its the woman again," Abby said quietly to me.

Then she handed me the phone, "hello?"

**Authors Note**

Alright, so I had the idea for this story while I was working on On the Run & A Loaded Gun. But I really hope you guys like the start of this story. Because it might not have another part up for a while, or it might. I'm working hard on both stories, so I don't lose the ideas for either of them. Thanks for reading and I hope you like it. Thanks! :)

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